crimethrillerbooks's reviews
65 reviews

The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse

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I enjoyed this gothic thriller and found it was quite
different to anything that I had read before which was
refreshing! If you like a creepy, dark and suspenseful
thriller then this is a book you might enjoy!
It's a very atmospheric book, Sarah really sets the scene
well and does a great job at helping you to imagine this
frightening sanatorium due to the level of description in
her writing!
There are lots of twists and turns in this book which
keep you guessing until the end. However, I did feel as if
the ending was slightly rushed and it could have been
explained a bit better which did let it down as there was
so much suspense and such a great build up, the ending
felt a little underwhelming unfortunately.
La verità su David Raker by Tim Weaver

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What a thrilling read that kept me guessing until the very
end. This is a very strong, powerful and emotional story,
packed with twists, turns & nail biting suspense. I never
could have seen that twist at the end coming!
This was the first book I've read by Tim Weaver, this book
is part of a series but this one was easy to read as a stand
alone and I found there was no confusion. I'll definitely be
reading his other books as this one was fantastically
I would definitely recommend this book if you enjoy ;
suspenseful thriller filled with unexpected turns and an
unpredictable ending!
Power Play by Tony Kent

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I really enjoyed this book and found it quite different to anything that I’d read before which was refreshing and exciting!

It involves high octane action with twists and turns that will make you gasp. It has short, punchy chapters that makes for a great read and always leaves you wanting more! It is book 3 of a series but I found this easy to read as a stand-alone.

I really enjoyed reading this and loved the amount of action that is packed into this story, 4/5 ⭐️
The Accomplice by Steve Cavanagh

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This book is a great addition to the Eddie Flynn Series!
I really enjoyed this one, I felt it took a little longer than the
other books in the series to get in to the action but once
the action came it didn't let off until the very end & it was a
thrilling, explosive ride!
That twist at the end was so unexpected & I love it when a
book takes me by surprise and turns everything I thought
I'd figured out on its head!
I've read all of the books in this series & I've enjoyed every
one of them & Steve Cavanagh is definitely up there with
my favourite authors!
Daniel Miller murdered fourteen people before he
vanished. His wife, Carrie, now faces trial as his
accomplice. The FBI, the District Attorney, the media and
everyone in America believe she knew and helped cover up
her husband's crimes. Eddie Flynn won't take a case
unless his client is innocent.
With his wife on trial, the Sandman is forced to come out of
hiding to save her from a life sentence. He will kill to
protect her and everyone involved in the case is a target.
Even Eddie Flynn….
If you love a legal thriller with shocking twists then this is
the book for you!
Genesis by Chris Carter

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Wow this book was brilliant from start to finish! There is so
much detail in the writing, Chris really did leave nothing out
and I found myself fully immersed in this fast paced,
murderous story!
Packed full of disturbing crime scenes & the return of the
iconic, very likeable duo Detectives Robert Hunter and
Carlos Garcia.
Following them hunt down the person behind these
heinous murders, made for a thrilling, action packed ride!
I took my time reading this book because I really wanted to
take it all in and the level of detail made me slow down and
imagine every scene, it was almost like there was a movie
playing inside my head!
I expected great things from this book as the books I've
read by Chris Carter so far have all been 5 star reads & of
course Chris did not disappoint with Genesis, I am
convinced that his writing just gets better and better!
It took Chris over two years to write Genesis and you can
really tell! It is such a great book with short, punchy
chapters that kept me turning the pages, desperately
wanting to discover who was killing these people in such
gruesome ways!
The twists in this book are insane I didn't see any of them
coming and they left me shocked and seriously impressed
with how well they snuck up on me & left me baffled!
Wow just wow.
Verity by Colleen Hoover

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I think it's safe to say that I loved this book, I read it in
one day because it was truly impossible to put it
Verity is dark and creepy, unlike any other book I've
read before, it's slightly different to my usual read of
serial killers and gory murders but none the less I
really enjoyed this book. I loved how much it was able
to creep me out, it's been a while since I've felt
creeped out by a book!
Verity is definitely a very hyped up book on
Bookstagram, so I was sceptical going in to this but in
my opinion everybody who hyped it up was so right,
it's a great read!
It's very fast paced & I found myself racing to the end
to find out what happened! I managed to figure out
the first twist before it came but that twist at the end
was truly shocking, I could not believe what I was
If you love a psychological thriller which is both dark
& creepy then I think you would really enjoy this
The Whisper Man by Alex North

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I loved this book, it has the perfect mixture of creepy & crime thriller! This book actually somewhat scared me at some points it has such an eerie concept about it 6
Written from several characters perspectives this book grabs you and drags you in. The story moves at a good pace throughout and really amps up in the final 100 pages!
It is so beautifully written as well which made for a really enjoyable read, everything ties together so neatly nothing feels left out which is always amazing!
found all of the characters (apart from the creepy criminals) really likeable. You really get to know the characters and their personal struggles. This book deals with lots of common subjects, e.g. Alcoholism, grief, loss & depression.
Overall, a fantastic, bone chilling thriller to keep you turning the pages wanting to find out more! If you like a dark, creepy, murderous thriller then this could be for you!
Also, what a gorgeous cover!