the themes of beauty and terror being so intertwined makes for such a fascinating read. the conversations surrounding youth & sin, body & soul are still met with such curiosity and intrigue today. apart from the wildly misogynistic pov, (which is to be expected in a book written by a man in 1891), this novel still rings true in so many ways. it’s poetic, gothic, romantic and horrifying all at once. i loveeeeed this book.
i’m floored by Jennette’s bravery to write this book. it absolutely breaks my heart time and time again to hear people’s experiences with child stardom at the hands of their parents. one of the highest forms of cruelty.
this memoir is written incredibly well; it’s both funny and gut wrenching, and all too real to hear it from the perspective of the age she is writing about, rather than in retrospect.
really enjoyed listening as an audiobook, hearing the moment she finally has to acknowledge the abuse her mother had put her through her whole life will really stick with me.
the most sally rooney book to ever sally rooney. i am floored.
i have so many thoughts on this book. all messy and complicated and tangled up like the exact themes of this story. i read someone say this book goes from family dog drama to contemplating the meaning of life and i don’t think i could describe it any better.
grief is laced throughout this story, ever-present in everything these characters do without hardly ever being the main focus. the characters themselves are probably the messiest, most complex, frustrating ones i’ve ever found myself sympathising with. during the first half i really didn’t think i’d end up caring about them so much, especially the ones i genuinely dislike. but it’s just another one of rooney’s incredible literary devices that reflects real life; you don’t necessarily have to like everybody you care about.
the one qualm i have with this book is the age gap relationships. i understand that they are (kind of?) necessary for the story but it will never quite sit right with me how often they appear in rooney’s books? however, i feel it would be reductive and slightly naive to lower my rating because of this, the saving grace for me is that not once are these relationships romanticised. they are what they are; messy, complex, morally questionable and destined for suffering.
this book does an outstanding job of dissecting the relationships we try to sustain in a world of standards and rules (a chess game, perhaps), and how none of them stand to survive against interpersonal human connection.
i’ve been so fascinated by this story for years and i’m so glad i finally read the original book. stephen king’s story telling is exquisite - seeing into carrie’s mind is such a fascinating perspective. i can’t wait to read more of his work!!
there is SO much to unpack here. so many interesting themes, alongside a storyline like nothing I’ve ever read before.
generational trauma, complicated sibling relationships, intricate romantic love, cult-like hysteria; all with the backdrop of the impending doom of climate change. julia armfield never misses.
also want to note that this is the first novel I’ve read with a non-binary character whose pronouns aren’t addressed even once. this is the only part about this fictional future that i hope for <3
such a brutal depiction of mental health, yet still so delicate in the way it is written. i am in love with murakami’s writing style, he paints a scene with such vivid detail, you feel it with every sense.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: a story about two troubled individuals, drawn together by some invisible, magnetic pull, who will find some way to weave in and out of each other’s lives, whether physically or mentally — is my favourite kind of story!!
i loved the way this book focused on the impact of human connection, and how differently people can serve your life, but how equally significant and necessary they can be.
(although, there were a couple of parts that were very uncomfortable to read. don’t get me wrong i love a bit of disturbing fiction, but certain bits just didn’t sit right with me)
i spent 75% of this book thinking it was a cute, easy read. only for it to rip my literal heart out in the last 100 pages. i had to close the book on my train to stop from breaking down in tears.
this book is beautiful. i fell in love with every character and each of their journeys. a gorgeous exploration of friendship and found family, alongside such a vivid setting.
i did find the romance way too tropey at times but i was also rooting for them with everything in me!!
feminist writing owes so much to virginia woolf. this exploration of the patriarchy and the position of gender in writing throughout history is fascinating, profound and highly poignant, even by today’s standards.
there is just something about the beautiful mundane details in claire keegan’s writing. this was such an interesting perspective on learnt misogyny and inherited behaviours. i just love being able to read a story in one sitting.