delise's reviews
169 reviews

She's Faking It by Kristin Rockaway

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Bree is searching for her passion. She has no ambitions besides paying her rent on time. But her sister believes in the Law of Attraction, that if you visualize the life you want and put positive energy into the universe, your dreams will come true. Until then, “Fake it until you make it.”

It was fun to follow Bree as her perspective changed. The ways her visions manifested were hilarious. The novel explored the nuances of this philosophy and that not everything can be wished into existence. I also loved the relationship between Bree and her sister, and of course, the sexy romance.

I love books that teach me new things and help me see life in a different way!
Writers & Lovers by Lily King

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This is a beautiful story about staying true to your dreams and not giving up. It's also a story about grief - not only is Cassie grieving her mom, but a lost love, her youth gone by, and her dream of becoming a published author. Even though Cassie remains true to her dream, like any of us, she fears it won't come true and is trying to convince herself if it's actually worth to continue pursuing it. Part of her hopes, but part of her is ready to let go and move on.

Being a writer myself, I related so much to Cassie's journey - her joy of writing but also the fear and doubt that are always there, lurking. I also related to her anxiety and thought the author did a beautiful job describing her panic attacks. I was so moved by the whole story - and the gorgeous writing - that I even cried at one point and I'm still haunted by it.