dimolkova's reviews
558 reviews

Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson

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i was really touched by this. Winterson captures the interplay between longing to belong and be loved and not being able to trust when someone actually offers us love and care. this is my first Winterson book, and wow does she have a way with words--her writing is poetic without being pretentious or overly vague. will definitely be reading more books by her. 
Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett

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i enjoyed this, but i think i needed just a teeniest bit deeper dig into the character's motivations and changes in perspective for it to be a 5 star read
Circe by Madeline Miller

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Circe was a good protagonist choice to dip into multiple Greek mythological cycles, and Miller does her research well. as a retelling, it's decent. but as a story it left me wanting--it did not touch me emotionally. 
Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova

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this was alright. i kept thinking that Mostrilio's nature is a metaphor for something, but never figured out what that was.