efram's reviews
167 reviews

Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

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Before the Coffee Gets Cold's rate of hot-steaming five stars reveal my warm and intense recommendation for the book. This should be read by everyone - reader or not, simply because time is one of the most inevitable and essential factor that affects every aspects of life. My strong recommendation for this book directs to children for they are the ones with the most time to spend, more moments to create and to experience.

The strengths of the book are its magical realism display - magnificently painting every chapter until the very end, vivid and splendid setting of scenes, pleasant and soothing writing style, and the brilliant division of four stories converging into a breathtaking grand ending. Probably the only weakness of the book is the lack of depth within the main character, though this did not affect the overall brilliance of the plot.
Dracula by Bram Stoker

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Dracula’s rate of mystifying four stars reveals my strong and bloody recommendation for the novel. Epistolary never fails to engage a reader, inducing a feeling of excitement as pages are being turned one after another. I will recommend this to readers fond of interblending horror with adventure. I will not recommend this to women with a disliking to cliché themes of damsel in distress and saving the princess - plot exemption.

The novel's strengths, first and foremost is the brilliance of using epistolary as a writing approach - making the transition of every parts engaging and catchy, splendid and dashing representation of Dracula - producing a different perception of evil - elegant and intelligent not nitwit and beast-like. Emphasis on women was observed with some positive but mostly negatives portraying them weak, deceptive, fragile, and naive.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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Mexican Gothic's rate of five stars strangely displays my own personal liking for the novel. Despite the slow build-up, the plot appeared engaging, interesting, and quite lovely. I will strongly recommend this to readers with an urge to try a light horror story as this seems to be a good introduction for the genre. For horror readers in seek of more dark and terrifying reads, I’m afraid this novel is not highly in recommendation.

The strengths of the novel are its companion-like writing style - pleasant and delightful, vividly cinematic portrayals and mood-settings, intelligent and parallel characterization - as if the completeness of one can be found within the other, and its brilliant elevation of suspense. While its weaknesses lie on its sluggish plot development making the reading experience seems slightly dull. Also, the ending seems to have more potential if only not contained within the last few pages.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

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The Hunger Games' rate of playful five stars symbolizes my strong recommendation of the novel. For avid readers, my high recommendation is for those who prefer game-setting story line. As for non-readers, this can be a good read due to its simple and convenient writing approach. I will not recommend this to readers with strong preference for omniscient point of view as the totality of this novel is limited within Katniss.

The strengths of the book are its fascinating writing style - making the reading experience as engaging as the games, superb usage of symbolism to gradually establish the significance of the main character, diverse characterization, excellent use of the game concept to unfold a deeper plot, and lastly, stunning world-building. The only weakness I found is the lacking of perspective, providing us only a narrowed-view through Katniss.
Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life by Beth Kempton

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Wabi Sabi's imperfect rating of five perfect stars displays my meaningful desire to persuade everyone to read the book. This is highly recommended for those individuals suffering from dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety - you name it. Wabi Sabi will make one realize that every necessities, every sorrows, every obstacles are part of perfection. Every moment, wondrous or not is essential. An admired flower will soon wither away.

The strengths of the book are its friendly and soothing writing approach - making the reading experience felt like conversing with a monk the beauty of a perfectly-imperfect life, credible and well-researched description of stories and life experiences concerning Wabi Sabi, brilliant interblend of nature's beautification and existence realization, and lastly, its relevance with this generation's desire for perfect life.
'Salem's Lot by Stephen King

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Salem's Lot rate of horrifying four stars displays my intense recommendation of the novel. This is highly-recommended for readers who delight with the classic good and evil plot and for those who adores Stoker's Dracula in where most characters in this novel were imaged. My low recommendation is for those impatient readers; the world-building here is superb but took at least a third of the book for establishment. The lessened star is about my personal opinion of the ending, nothing else.

The strengths of the novel are its first-rate world-building, with a magnificent use of an omniscient view, the author truly constructed Jerusalem's lot from its rise to its demise, diverse and relative characterization - this part is where one will find connection with a number of characters from their personalities and situations, and lastly, the masterful usage of horror all throughout. The only weakness I found is the weak resolution on the vanquishing of wickedness - inadequate.
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

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Flowers for Algernon's rate of bright five stars displays my strong and overwhelming desire to recommend this novel. This should be read by everybody, definitely because happiness and knowledge are two different aspects that constitutes value and meaning to our lives. My high recommendation is for those who see no value with their current way of existence, those who has no appreciation of their knowledge. This read is for you.

The strengths of the novel are its exceptional writing style, making the reading experience engaging as if you are learning reading again developing in unison with the main character, brilliant interblend and interchange of emotion and knowledge, splendid use of scientific, literary, and spiritual materials to provide depth with references, and accomplished realization of the significance of happiness and value of intelligence. The only weakness I found is in the lack of familial emphasis.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Jim Collins, Stephen R. Covey

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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People's rate of guiding three stars displays my high recommendation of the book. This should be read by every self-help readers simply because the ideas and concepts within are still relevant, self-improvement will always remain timeless. My low recommendation is for all the non-readers as you might find the writing style unlikely especially if your only aim is to reflect and apply new habits.

The strengths of the book are its exemplary determination of valuable ways and habits, helping people to improve their way of living so that a more effective mindset and lifestyle can be achieved - making the totality of the book relevant and timeless, and its excellent interblend of personal experiences and researches in support of the habits. There are two weaknesses I found: complex writing style and repetitiveness, making the reading experience exhausting instead of reflective.
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind

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Perfume: The Story of a Murderer's rate of fragrant four stars reveals my strong yet discreet recommendation of the novel. My high recommendation is for all the classic readers delighting with the unique experience classic novels induce. Also, this I recommend to all readers who enjoy guessing the plot for I can attest that this novel has an unforeseen climax. I do not recommend this to be read by those just starting to admire the act of reading as the referencing might turn out overwhelming.

The strengths of the novel are its eloquent writing approach, making every scenes appear as evident as an olfactory sense. With an omniscient view, the author managed theatrically to control when to highlight Grenouille and when to disconnect him from the readers, striking and splendid characterization, and the perception that one's contentment in life must not solely rely within one goal. Despite its likely referencing, it still turned out overwhelming and tiresome - its weakness.
The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials Into Triumph by Ryan Holiday

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The Obstacle is the Way's rate of transformed five stars shows my immense desire to recommend this book to everyone - reader or non-reader. To turn the tides of obstacles and trivialities into opportunities and triumphs is a skill that can be easily attained through Stoic philosophy and I believe most of us in some way prefer to learn and acquire this sensible practice. If you are one of us, then take the offensive and read this.

The strengths of the book are its pleasant and chill writing - making the reading experience soothing and relaxing, brilliant usage of life experiences as references, splendid tackling of various aspects without focusing extensively with business or history, and lastly, the relevance of Stoicism in the modern world. Having a modern uptake of an ancient philosophy such as Stoicism is relevant in a generation that finds it difficult to grasp the significance of every experience - indifference.