eitch's reviews
80 reviews

The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks by Shauna Robinson

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Not sure how to rate this one. I feel like 1 star is too harsh but 2 stars is too generous for how I felt while reading it. Let’s say 1.75.
I went in blindly. All I knew was that it was a book set in a bookstore and I love books about books.
It’s a nice premise, but it dragged on for too long.
I had a hard time feeling anything for the main characters (or even the other characters). I found Malcom’s character cute though.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

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Neil Gaiman never fails to leave me in awe of how magnificent he is with words.
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

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1.5 stars because I felt mean giving only 1.

I'm afraid I'm not an Emily Henry girlie, no matter how many times I try. And I tried. According to my library's records, I checked this book out 5 times so now they must think I'm obsessed with it, but it's because I struggled so hard to finish it all year. You can ask me to tell you anything about it and I wouldn't really be able to because it confused me so much. It just wouldn't stick.

This one was my least favourite of the three I've read.
To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers

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this was so raw and heart clenching yet so inspiring and reflective. Becky Chambers never ceases to amaze and make me set aside my dislike for human kind.
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

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I refuse to write a review for this book. Y’all swore by it so much and I naively believed you.
This was insufferable. I came so close to dnf’ing it at so many points but especially 60-70% which I see a lot of people mentioned that they dnf’d at. I had to force myself to keep going.
I gagged so many times.
Love from Mecca to Medina by S.K. Ali

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This was cute but it dragged a lot, to be quite honest. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first.
It felt like in most chapters, the artefacts mentioned in the title and their interpretive labels didn't actually make it into the chapter itself, and I ended up forgetting what they were. Some could even be switched around and it would still make more sense as they were actually mentioned in the chapter, but overall there was no connection there in my opinion.

And because it's not a Hanine book review unless I dwell on the details, I have two things to point out/ask:
- why did Adam have to travel from Qatar to London to then go to Saudi Arabia? Have you seen a map of the Arabian Peninsula? the two countries literally share a border and they were fighting like 4 years ago over it.
- why did the author choose to write the prophet's name Abraham instead of Ibrahim?

I'm nitpicky, I know. It's still a nice book nonetheless.
Layover by Emily Henry

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For non-book records, review text and ratings are hidden. Only mood, pace, and content warnings are visible.

Alice in Wonderland by Jane Carruth, Lewis Carroll

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I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.

I'm revisiting an old comfort story during some rough times I'm going through.