fareads's reviews
922 reviews

Any Man by Amber Tamblyn

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Hmm.. stylistically, the writing was not for me. I did like certain aspects of the mixed media throughout the book but I do think she failed to make each of their voices standout, they all kind of felt exactly the same.

I was torn on what to rate it but no, I’m going with my gut, I didn’t like it 
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

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I quite enjoyed the audiobook, I definitely liked the first half better the second (so I dropped my rating from 4⭐️) but I still liked it nonetheless. It’s quite magical and cosy but dare I say it.. I do like the movie better than the book 🙈
When Wildflowers Bloom by Ashley Manley

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Birdie is convinced she’s not going to make it to her 38th birthday, she has the same gene that caused her mother and grandmother to die of cancer when they were 37. One night, after living a life of strict rules, routines and self imposed isolation, she decides to have a one night stand. When their paths unexpectedly cross again, Bo is determined to convince Birdie to actually start living.. 

This was such a sweet book! 

I loved all the characters, especially the older characters, Mabel was hilarious! Birdie’s relationship with Huck was lovely and I really  appreciated the mentions of his food aversions/sensory issues with food. As a parent to an autistic child with a very restricted diet, it’s good to see this being spoken about as a lot of people  just assume it’s the child being “fussy” or “spoiled”. People are quick to judge and don’t realise just how difficult it can be.

The author also did an excellent job of showing how health anxiety can completely take over someone’s life to the point they aren’t really living at all.

My only slight gripe is I think the book needed to be a bit longer, I think the romance would have benefited from it, but overall I still really enjoyed it and would definitely read a book by this author again.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston

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I loved The Dead Romantics and The Seven Year Slip so this was a highly anticipated release for me.. sadly I was very disappointed. 

It took me weeks to read, in the end I’ve had to sit and force myself to get through it. I found it boring and repetitive- mostly the amount of times the name Liam was mentioned and the constant mention of  Anders “minty” eyes (I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with minty eyes by the way). 

I did like the premise of the book but I didn’t care for the characters, the plot or the romance.. it didn’t even feel like an Ashley Poston book if I’m being honest. 

Ultimately this one just didn’t work for me but I will read her next book! 
Those Girls by Chevy Stevens

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3.5 stars 

We first meet the Campbell sisters living at home with their barely there, alcoholic, abusive father. One night a fight with their father takes a shocking turn, the girls are forced to run, heading for Vancouver for a better life. When their truck breaks down on the outskirts of a small town in the middle of nowhere they have no idea an offer of help is going to have devastating consequences. 

The first part of this book had me locked in, I didn’t want to put it down but it did get a bit silly towards the end which lowered my rating slightly. I did still enjoy it though (I hate to use the word enjoy with the content in this book, but you know what I mean). 
Wild Eyes by Elsie Silver

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Well I’m obviously in the minority seen as this has a 4.41 rating on goodreads.. but I didn’t like it at all! 
Holding the Reins by Paisley Hope

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Sometimes you just need a little spicy cowboy romance in your life! 

This was a fast easy read for me and the perfect palette cleanser. The setting was perfect, the family and friends were great side characters and I loved Nash and CeCe, both separately and together. 

I’m looking forward to reading Wade’s book BUT I think Ginger and Cole might be the best book.. I can’t wait to read that one! 

• Brothers best friend
• Small town romance
• Found Family
• Age Gap
• Possessive MMC