fischers_reads's reviews
789 reviews

Tipping the Scales by JB Sharp

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funny medium-paced


What do you do when your first love, who you haven’t seen in 5 years, walks into your flower shop on a date with one of your best friends? You try to avoid him at all cost. The guy clearly doesn’t get the memo and once he sees you he forgets his dates name. Old feelings spark right back up the moment they notice each other. Things ended abruptly and Colton has so many questions for Delaney. I played so many different scenarios in my head as to why she left and never looked back. Second chance isn’t my favorite trope and I’m always extra picky when I do pick a book up with this trope. It’s hard to not experience their firsts with them. Without that I normally feel less connected to the characters or believe in their love. We do get flashbacks of key moments in their relationship which was awesome. The moment Colton and Delaney got into the same room I felt all the feels. The tension was super high and I was completely invested in their romance. Colton won my heart over. I love me a patient man and holyshit was this man patient. Their awkward interactions made this book that much better and I especially loved their text conversations. To think I almost skipped this book all together because of the trope, I’m so glad I read it. The next one sounds so good and I’m excited to dive into that one soon. 

The Centaur's Touch by Evelyn Cloves

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The formatting isn’t my favorite and it’s 3rd person which I dislike. It’s super short so I pushed through. Madeleine and Reston’s initial conversation was cute. She was so nervous and he was trying to explain everything to her. When she asked him if she could ride him I cackled 🤣🤣 “Hold on tight, I’m going to give you the ride of your life” is what he said when she clung to him. And the fact that he knew she was attracted to him because he could feel it between her legs while she was riding on him 😳 the whole time I read this I kept wondering if he was hung like a horse or not 🤭 unfortunately we never get to find out because the damn novella ends after he uses his tongue 🙄 I’m guessing the whole series is their story so if you enjoyed the story you would want to continue.  I personally didn’t like the way the story was told so I won’t be continuing.
The Day She Cried by K Webster

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dark emotional sad tense medium-paced


This book is a rollercoaster. You will hate the characters, you will feel for the characters and you might even fall in love with them too.  I wasn’t too sure what I was getting into when I started this one. I was worried because I had started it and then put it down and didn’t pick it up for a week which is WILD for me. I do have a lot going on in my life so that is most likely why. Me problem and not the book problem. It’s a K Webster so I knew I needed to give it a fair chance. I am so glad I did. The chockhold this story had on me blew my mind. Once it time jumped a year I was completely invested in the story. There is something about a guy who bullies the girl but then sees her walking alone in the rain and gives her a ride that just wins me over. He still hates her but he doesn’t want her to be in danger either. SWOON. The anger is so real in this book as well as the grief. I caught myself crying and didn’t realize that would happen. It does go back and forth with their feelings for each other and that annoys me. It probably could have been shorter than it was. This book is hard to talk about without spoiling. I think you should go in blind.

Below I'm going to do a play by play of almost everything that happened for people who don't want to read it but are curious. I'm going to try and start doing this with most books I read because my memory is awful and I want to be able to look back and remind myself.

How weird would it be to fall in love with a girl whose twin has been in love with you for a long time. Raven and Rome are twins and have a rough home life. Rome gets beat by his father and Raven is always trying to save her brother. Rome thinks Raven is a ray of sunshine and doesn’t want to bring her down with his depressing shit but little does he know she struggles too. Raven meets “Logan” online and Logan just so happens to be a cheerleader at her and Rome’s high school. It was all a joke that Whitney came up with for Courtney to be Logan and make Raven fall in love with “him”. Courtney and Whitney are the popular cheerleaders in the school and let me just say Whitney is the biggest bitch ever!! Rome has had his eye on Courtney for a long time but has kept his distance. Raven and Courtney (Logan) get really close online and actually fall in love with each other. Courtney doesn’t look at it as a game anymore and Whitney gets super jealous about it. A little bit later Courtney and Whitney go to a party and Courtney takes drugs and gets drunk and sleeps with 2 guys. She soon finds out that Whitney recorded it and sent it to Courtney. The next morning when Courtney wakes up she realizes what happened and rushes to Raven’t job and finds out that she unalived herself. There is a whole court hearing and a shit ton of money spent. Fast forward a year and the whole town calls Courtney a murderer including Rome. Rome decides to make Courtney’s life a living hell along with his buddies. The back and forth with his feelings get a little annoying but to be fair this guy has been through hell and back. Rome’s abusive rather died and his sister is no longer alive so he’s been through it. Raven walks home in the rain from work one day and he sees her and tries to give her a ride. She refuses because he had just been cruel to her earlier at her work and she knows he hates her. Rome gets home pissed that she wouldnt allow him to give her a ride and he hears thunder. So he grabs his dog and goes to where she is and makes her get into the car. He ends up saying he will fix her car if she will help at his mechanic shop. He actually bought that place with the money they won from the case. Which was her families money. I thought that was wild! Rome is constantly trying to fight his attraction to Courtney but ultimately his dick wins and they start screwing around. Its so much back and forth and got pretty old. I personally would have liked that cut down and in return make the book shorter but whatever. Rome kept Raven’s room exactly the same and he keeps finding Courtney in her room and gets so pisssed. Courtney ends up finding Raven’s journal and starts reading it. She goes into detail about all the abuse Rome indured throughout the years. She also talks about going and seeing a lawyer who just so happens to be Whitney’s dad. He is a creep. Raven and this man have a whole ass affair and he doesn’t even help her. In this journal they find out more than they bargained for. Rome and Courtney end up “breaking up” when his buddy gets with Whitney and makes a sex tape and he tells Rome that it was him and Courtney and this dumbass believed it. It jumps 4 months and Rome has stalked Courtney all those months. He decides enough is enough and he wants his girl. Mind you even when they were together he wasn’t the nicest to her. Trust me if you read this book you might not ever like Rome. Rome finds Courtney with another guy walking around and thinks its her boyfriend, its not. They end up going somewhere to talk and he quickly finds out that Courtney is almost 5 months pregnant. Oh but it gets better its not ONE but TWO babies. I had a feeling that was coming but its not my favorite trope so I tried to ignore it. Rome and Courtney decide to clean out Raven’s room and come across the journal again. Rome reads all the things that Courntey had already read and then it gets the the parts where she meets “Logan”. Turns out Raven actually knew that Logan was Courtney, apparently she gave herself a way. The first thought in her mind was “he is going to be pissed” because she knew her brother had a crush on her. Raven then continues on in her journal saying that Whitney’s dad found her and threated to bring Courtney down. Raven had a sex tape of her and him and he wanted her to delete it or he would make Courtney’s life a living hell. She says “Goodbye Journal, I have a plan”. When they think its over they turn the page and its a damn letter to Courney, I freaking lost it!  Remember how I said that Courtney gave herself away when she was Logan? Apparently Courtney and Raven had the same biology class and Courtney told Raven “ Do you ever feel like fate pushes two people together on purpose? Like it knows one isn’t as brainy as the other?”. When Courtney was being Logan she said “ Do you ever feel like fate pushes two people together on purpose? Like it knows one isn’t as strong as the other?” That’s when she knew and she was heartbroken to know that the girl of her brothers dreams was the “guy” messaging her and that she had fallen in love with her. Then she wrote Rome a letter explaining that she didn’t know Courtney was Logan in the beginning but once she did she as already too far in. That Courtney draws you in with her golden locks and flawless smile. Raven also mentions how Rome would get so mad when Raven would try and eat their dads food. Apparently Rome had been poisoning his father and she is pretty sure her mother was trying to do the same thing. She flushed it and threw the bottle away so nobody would get caught and let nature take its course. Raven left an email and password for Rome to get all the videos she had of the attorney to turn his ass in. She ends the letter by saying “ PS- Please tell Courtney this is not her fault. I can see where she’ll think it was, but its not. This is so much bigger than her. Tell her I loved her until the end. Now its your turn, big bro. Don’t let me down” Chapter 23 was Raven’s POV and its her and the attorney. Its them fighting and the attorney threatening her. He’s telling her to off herself because nobody cares about her. He is terrified what she has on him would get out and he is hoping she will just go away. It talks about how she unalives herself (pills) and how she hopes the plan works. Before the pills kick in she writes a letter to her brother and dad saying she’s sorry and how she can’t take this life anymore. There is something so awful about reading somones last days. I read so many fucked up books but waiting for the pills Raven took to kick in was absolutely heartbreaking. I wanted to reach through my kindle and help and and convenience her that there has to be another way than this. The epilogue jumps 18 months later and its the trail with the attorney and he was found GUILTY!!! This fucker was married for 27 years and most likely molesting young girls for years. The books ends with a steamy scene and then their 2 kids waking up and wanting daddy’s pancakes. Courtney is mad because they always want Rome and not her. It was a cute ending.

The Deviled Egg Made Me Do It by Holly Wilde

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The thought of a deviled egg man was absolutely ridiculous but I obviously had to read it. These weird novellas are always so fun. The fact that there is a deviled egg man in Shelby’s house and she just puts him to work had me dying laughing. It’s like they never question much of anything. This deviled egg man (like there are more 🤣) has jokes and I really liked his personality. Wait… do eggs have personalities? See, this book is messing with my head now hahaha She’s so stressed out about having friends over to her place for a party that Damien (deviled egg man) really brings the fun to the whole situation. Damien has a “deviled dick” that’s as thick as a baguette and he has pubic herbs 🤣🤣 When he comes it’s yellow and that made me throw up in my mouth. This egg man cums into the deviled eggs (it’s the filling) that they are making for the party. Oh but it gets better or worse depending on how you look at it. Shelby says “hmm I didn’t know I had chives” oh sweetie, you didn’t. He’s cutting his pubes that just so happen to be chives and using that 🤢 No. No. No. Absolutely not. Shelby’s friend Michelle ask for the recipe and he says “It’s my secret sauce, babe. If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore”. THEN James says “These are the freshest chives I’ve ever had. Did you grow them, or did you pick them up at the farmers market over by the square”. Ohhhh if he only knew. To finish the scene Michelle says “so, what’s in this secret sauce? I’m pretty good at discerning flavors, and I’m curious if it’s nut-based”. Damien says “I guess you could say it’s something like that”. 

I’m done.

Bouncy by B. Sobjakken

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Cringy novella? Sign me up! My husband and I both read B Sobjakken’s books one after the other. I read this one first and highlighted the parts that made me look like this 😳🙈 and let me tell you there were quite a few. I never knew there were that many names for your nether regions. Not going to lie “Krabby Patty” was too far…way too far. Hahaha I had the best time reading this novella. The amount of times I said “EWWW” was impressive. It’s novella is something else. What a freaking cringe fest 🤣

Husbands Review:
Well that was something, enjoyed the concept and the cast. Definitely an intriguing story, with that said the off the wall nicknames and descriptions for the steamy scenes were hilariously cringy. So many references that just …. Just no. lol entertaining none the less though!
Saving Easton by Kaci Rose

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This story broke my heart. Easton was a POW in the Marines and is now living in Oakside hoping to heal. Little does he know his best friends little sister works there and she’s the reason he made it through that year of hell. They both had a thing for each other back in the day but being that she was his best friend sister she was off limits. This one was a bit on the repetitive side but still really good. There is family drama and Easton shows his protective side which I absolutely loved. These books are such easy reads but still pull at your heart strings.
Don't Let Me Break by Kelsie Rae

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I loved how this book starts off the moment they met. Age gap is always one of my favorite tropes but in the beginning Macklin doesn’t sound grown up at all 🤣 the moment he called his hard-on a “woody” it was hard to convince me this man was 34, like wtf?!? He redeems himself, don’t worry. Kate was on the annoying side even though Mack was literally the sweetest to her. There is a period scene that had me fall even harder for this man. The Epilepsy rep in this book was strong and it was brought up so much. Don’t get me wrong I love disability rep in books but everything was centered around it. Regardless of that I absolutely loved the story and loved Macklin. Dare I even say he’s my favorite MMC in the series 🤭 He’s so swoon worthy🫠
Don't Let Me Go by Kelsie Rae

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I finished the first one and knew I needed Theo & Blakely’s story. The sexual tension we got to see in book one between these two carries right on over to this one and I think was eating it up. It’s no secret these two have a thing for each other but being that Blakely is Theo’s best friends little sister it makes things tricky. Blakely wants the whole college experience and Theo is jeopardizing it. Theo is also a man who doesn’t want commitment and goes after puck bunnies. Blakely is anything but a puck bunny. They’ve known each other since they were kids but we just get told about it and don’t get to live it. I would have liked there to be some “past” chapters so we could see when things changed between them. This is why second chance isn’t my thing because we don’t get to live through it all right along with them. Not having those chapters definitely changed my reading experience when it comes to this one. The nicknames in this one were just as cute if not cuter than book one. Blakely called Theo “Teddy” and Theo calls Blakely “Baby Thorne” 🫠 It was adorable. Book one is still my favorite but I still flew through this one and enjoyed most of it. I will definitely be reading the next one!
Don't Let Me Fall by Kelsie Rae

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I knew from the prologue this book was going to get messy and I couldn’t wait. When your man won’t show you his phone that is a HUGE red flag and that my friends is Logan, Ashlyn  boyfriend. The fact that she stays with him for as long as she did is mind boggling. Especially when she has eyes for his friend Colt who will leave his phone facing up with the lock screen notifications on and not think twice about it. He also notices everything about her all while her boyfriend doesn’t. Colt Thorne is EVERYTHING! He’s protective, sweet, cocky, and everything that Ashlyn wants. Seeing their romance unfold was a journey and completely worth every frustrating moment. 
The ice cream scene had me swooning so hard. The name he calls her is so freaking cute and one of my favorites. Their chemistry is off the charts! The next book I know for a fact is going to be fantastic so of course I’m diving right in. 
Grim by Layla Fae

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Love me some chocolate but that’s about all I loved about this novella. The whole storyline is unique but I found the characters boring. The over use of “baby” drove me absolutely bonkers. I couldn’t enjoy his dirty talk because he was always saying “baby” 🙄 it was fine for what it was but I think it could have been better. Now if only my man tasted like chocolate 🤭