funkyspacerat's reviews
154 reviews

No Longer Human by Junji Ito

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I adore Dazai's novel. This adaptation spits in its face and punches it in the gut repeatedly until it forks over its lunch money. A dreadful experience, but not in the way it intends to be.
American Utopia by David Byrne, Maira Kalman

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It's honestly amazing and impressive how so many ideas are conveyed through such a simple idea; that being taking a few lyrics from songs performed during the American Utopia tour Byrne did, and pairing them with illustrations done by Maira Kalman. It's a work about the importance of community, the foolishness of fascism, and the beauty that humans can create when we work together, and the fact it can portray all that using so little is fascinating honestly. Highly recommend it!
The Bookshop and the Barbarian by Morgan Stang

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
just not feeling it right now, honestly. I did enjoy most of what I've read, so I will come back to it eventually, but as of right now... not really in the mood for it