galaxiesofbooks's reviews
312 reviews

Dracula by Bram Stoker

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i've been meaning to read this for a really long time and so i thought this october is literally perfect to finally read this book !!
i really loved the writing style. something about it makes the story feel more realistic and closer to heart. also easy to imagine the events that were unfolding.
the characters were perfectly developed, like *chef's kiss*. they were each different and likable in their own ways. you can tell that the author done his best to bring life into these people.
the plot ... i loved reading the creepy scenes with the lunatic and lucy. i think those were my favorite out of the book !!
however, what i did not really enjoy was, at some parts, confusing writing style. i know i said i loved it, but at some parts the old english language got me like ??? 🥴 i think it's common with classics lmaoo
also that ending was so underwhelming ... i mean, all this fuss just for *that* ?? man. a pity. it was building up to this extreme point, just to go down low as it did. i genuinely let out a long sigh and i said to myself "this is it ???"
it was still enjoyable tho !!! i didn't really want the story to end and i get why people love this book so much 🥺
The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward

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i found this book to be way more serious than i thought it would be. i can't say why cuz it immediately would spoil the story, but i did not expect this story to go in THAT direction. i wouldn't also classify it as horror, more like a thriller and mystery.
i loved the characters in this book, i connected with them and i was genuinely intrigued as to what was happening in their lives. i was quite wary of Ted's mum and for a good reason 😂
the setup was spooky as well, like this house that's always in the shadow, the one that Ted lived in with his cat Olivia, the forest at night ... and the lake 💀
also isn't the cover just so terrifying as well ??? i love it tho lmaoo
however, i found this to be a slow burn story. nothing really happened throughout half of the book, i was expecting like some fucked up shit happening by then, but it were just sooome weird bits happening every now and then. i wanted a fast paced, horrific concept from the beginning 😂
it was also really confusing at times and i found myself not being able to sort through my mind what just happened, we kinda jumped between memories and present, between Little Ted and Big Ted and i was at some parts confused as to what's happening in the forest with Dee as well. if u read the book, i hope u understand what i mean lol !!
i had a great time with this book and i was surprised finding out what was actually up with Ted and Dee's little sister Laura, it wasn't my favorite, but it was still enjoyable !
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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oh my god, it couldn't have been a better book than this to read in the month of october !!! it's spooky, it's mysterious, it's dark & obviously gothic 😍
so, i liked almost everything in this story. the characters felt real, perfectly developed, there was also something about the writing style that felt so wonderful to read in, so simple yet really nice. i don't know how to explain it better lol.
i loved the mystery about this story, the atmosphere, literally perfect for this time of year.
the main character Noemi seemed at times such a badass & her curiosity for things, her carefree personality (at the beginning), it just all felt real. all the characters in this book had their own personality, it felt like the author really took her time to think of every single person, how they should be presented & what part they would play in the story.
protect Francis at all costs pls !!!! he's a sweetie 🥺
however, from the middle of the book we kinda get to understand what's going on, but ... it really underwhelmed me in a way, cuz i expected something else, something more sinister 😂 hence the 1 diamond that i took out.
and also, i lowkey felt like we didn't get much story about Catalina, main character's cousin, that was in the house and the one who sent the letter in the first place. we didn't get to see her often, which was a pity, since she should be one of the main protagonists there.
but other than that, this book was really good & i had such a great experience reading it !!!
Coral by Sara Ella

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that was a beautiful book, to say the least. it has so many quotes that just feel so close to heart & inspiring & thought provoking. one of them i literally cherish with all my heart: “𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.” 💜
what i loved about this book was the writing style. i loved how it was presented in a simple, yet so understandable way. i can't really describe it, but it's something about it that it's just so lovely.
i also grew to love all the characters in this book, i felt for them, i rooted for them, i was sad and broken for them, i was happy for them. all emotions poured throughout the book, although i did manage not to cry my arse off lol.
the story itself is told in a strange way & i didn't realise that in the 1st part of the book. we get a story within a story, i love those cuz you get to see the whole "before" thing, you'll know what i mean if you decide to pick this up !! and also The Little Mermaid resemblance ?? it's my favorite, so it only makes sense i'd pick this up immediately 😩
and, i also loved short chapters in this book. EXTRA thank yous for the author, i felt like i was flying through the book !! 
now, the reasons why i decided to knock a few diamonds off were cuz later on, in the middle and the last part of the book we get all double names for each 3 characters still, it's not confusing in any way, i just wanted them to kinda let go of the story in the first part and embrace their real names, not the "nicknames". it's really hard to understand for everyone who haven't read the book, but yeah 😂😂
the romance there was quite cheesy at times, although it might just be me, friends to lovers trope isn't really my favorite. 
and overall, the story just ... lacked something for me, it wasn't as strong as i think it should be, given the topic. 
and this mysterious Prince turns out to be like that ?? c'mon, that's just so brushed off considering he plays quite a part in this book, he could've been so much better developed 😂
in any case, this is a heartbreaking story that some of you might find difficult to read about so make sure to read all the trigger warnings first. 
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐦 𝐢.
Incendiary by Zoraida Córdova

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this book was fine. i don't hate it, but neither it was something phenomenal to me. man, will i ever have a ya fantasy that's a fiver ?? they tend to be just alright to me 😂
so first, things i liked about this book.
the writing style was quite simple, which i kinda enjoy in books.
the magic system is also really interesting: Robaris who can steal memories from other people, Illusionaris who can obviously cast illusions, Persuaris who deal with people's emotions & Ventaris who can read a person's mind and confirm if they're telling the truth. that was quite interesting to read about.
my favorite characters in this book were Nuria & Castian, they were the most fascinating to read about lmaoo. it's just something sarcastic about them both that made me feel close to them, if that makes sense ??
now, all my issues w this.
and man ... i have a few lol. first, the romance. PLS, it was soooo damn cheesy & just too much. the 1st part of the book was basically all sugar coated romance. if it wasn't for the audiobook, i think i would have dnfed it just for this reason alone.
another thing, Renata was so repetitive, like her inner talk is always going back to Dez, her love interest, & then repeating her own memories of ppl telling her shit over & over again like OK WE GET IT, U SAID IT LIKE 5 TIMES BEFORE !!! it was frustrating.
the whole story was meh. it wasn't the worst i've ever read, but it was underwhelming in way.
there were a few plot twists, but i just didn't care that much, not for the characters & neither for the so called twists.
it was ok, i'd recommend it more to proper ya lovers, i guess. don't think i'll continue w the series either. i'm into more serious shit than that 😂
Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams

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it's hard for me to actually review this book cuz it deals w stuff i don't really understand much about. i have other beliefs, so maybe that's partly the reason why. i've never understood casual s*x to be a coping mechanism for a relationship break. not break up !! just a break. i'd personally think it a way of cheating, cuz this period is supposed to be for each individual to focus on themselves & think about how to continue on w the relationship they're in.
the protagonist Queenie is a complicated person imo. i ended up rootin for her at the end ofc, but some parts were like there's no way u're doing this to urself & others. i found out that casual s*x trope is indeed not my thing at all. i found it hard to believe that men ON THE 1ST MEETING start talking sexually to her. not one, but several men. do men actually do this ?? while 1st time seeing a woman ?? it was just unrealistic to me.
Queenie was a problematic friend as well at the start. i felt like she's never asked any of her friends “well, how are YOU doing tho?” but kept all chats going on about herself. i felt Darcy especially trying to help Queenie to get away from all these men, but it's like she didn't even listen & even snapped at her. so that wasn't nice :/
i loved the rasicm aspect in this book, for that i am grateful cuz i think it needs to be talked about so much more & in this book, u actually get to see ppl say things which might not seem racist, but they are. 
also, i was here for Cassandra vs Queenie drama, that was some proper tea tho 😂☕
& i just loved seeing Queenie grow better as a person. strong & independent. we always love to see a bangin character growth !! 🥺
& lets not forget about her relationship w her family, so sweet 💜
i could write so much more about this book, but yep. it was a good read !
56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard

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wow... that was bad. i only really liked the detective's pov which was at some points hilarious & idk just more interesting ??
we follow Ciara's and Oliver's povs as well from before the murder & they're literally at some points the same. like what they each say in their povs. EXACT SAME ACTIONS like ???? u are two different people, u can't think the same way wtf ??? & then some dialogues were extremely repetitive, word in word, that i had to skip it cuz man i've already read it & i don't wanna read about shit i ALREADY KNOW. i am quite pissed off w this book in that sense. i really wanted to enjoy it, but it's like the author just wanted to get more words out or something so she basically used exact same sentences just to make the story longer.
and also the romance itself ??? TOO QUICK to the point where it's really not realistic at all. they moved in together literally just three weeks after they met basically. i am a slow burn romance lover, so this was just a flat no to me.
i feel frustration after reading this book idk. would not recommend reading this tbh, the only thing that saved it was Lee's pov. the murder itself as well, the ending - so underwhelming. i read it all w a flat af face, not feeling nothing at all lmao.
so yeah, pass.
Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

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i was obsessed with this book. flipping pages after pages & telling myself every single night before bed "one more chapter" thing. it was soooo damn addicting 😩 i'm a chicken when it comes to ghost stories, so it's not surprising that i was unnerved reading this, but i never usually get creeped out over books, only movies lmaoo, but this one legit done the trick. several times i actually got jump scares, one of them when my cat started suddenly scratching the door to get in the room while i was reading 😂
what i also liked about the book was that the author put twists on twists on twists. like, he lets u think one thing then boom turns out it's the other, but then it's not the other, but comPLETELY different one, yk what i mean??? he always does u dirt like that 😂 i didn't see anything coming tbh, so that thrilled me.
also, can we just praise Riley Sager for writing short chapters? i love it. damn much. thank u. from the bottom of my heart.
anyway, the beginning & the middle part got me proper ✨OBSESSED✨, i couldn't put it down 😩
and the book within the book?? LOVE THAT. 
but then... i've seen loads of people say that the ending disappointed them. i was like how?? how can it disappoint w a story line like that?? but disappoint it did... i won't tell u why cuz all the things started unraveling then & it'd be spoiled, but yeah, i'm with u guys. i wasn't a fan AT ALL of the ending although it all added up so nicely. it'd of been more thrilling and horrific if it kept going on the way it did.
The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz

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whAT IS THIS ENDING HOLY SHIT. i didn't see certain plot twists coming at all lmaoo, it got me thinking about how can someone even do such a thing. also it's crazy how the name of this book has such a double meaning, it's just horrible istg. 
anyway, i did enjoy this story, it's unique and involves books/writing/publishing which is always something i absolutely love to read about. and it's a thriller, a huge bonus. the idea of it all is so well thought of, i hardly know any mystery/thriller books similar to this one.
i also really felt for Jake, all he's been thru and how he felt about it all throughout the book.
however... i didn't really vibe with the writing style. i don't even know how to explain it but it's just not something i personally like. the main character also kept repeating himself all the time about some things which i also found annoying. tbh, it was mainly the writing style and protagonist's inner thoughts what made me give such rating. it was good, but not my all time favorite!
Elemental Links by M.A. Leon

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i liked the writing style. it was easy to understand, switching between the brothers' povs.
also, can we talk about the cover??? it's freaking GORGEOUS!!
the characters were well developed, i especially loved Jake and Louie's relationship, caught myself smiling at certain types of the way they were sarcastic and funny w each other lol!
i also really loved the magic system, kinda reminded me of Avatar by the way Louie controlled air and stuff.
i also liked that the romance was only slightly mentioned. it's not a book focusing on it, it's more focused on the magic itself. 
however, i did have some issues with this. i'm certainly not a long chapter person, so i took longer reading this book as a whole than i had expected.
i found Louie at some points sooo naive, it did my head in. i screamed at him not to do certain shit in my head, it was just so frustrating reading about his actions.
also, since i'm an avid fantasy reader, i can certainly say this book is more for beginners. if you wanna try this genre, i would REALLY recommend reading this book, it would be soo good to start with. as for myself, i found nothing unique (apart from magic), the war started and ended abruptly, not fully elaborating the action or the consequences. idk, i found myself wanting MORE. wanting more revenge, action, betrayals, deaths. i guess i'm too much of a drama queen 🤷‍♀️
readers who wanna try out fantasy - this one's for you, hands down. it would be perfect to start with.