gufei's reviews
140 reviews

Les Enfants Terribles by Jean Cocteau

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 57%.
I tried really hard to gaf, esp cause I'm almost done w it anyway but I genuinely could not care any less since page one
Funny story though: took this book w me to six flags and my friend coerced me into going on roaring rapids. Both me And my bag were completely drenched in water and this book IN my bag also got all wet and has horrible water damage now (literally peeling And tearing to shreds)
The Summer Hikaru Died, Vol. 3 by Mokumokuren

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No fucking way that last panel was real.
How Do You Live? by Genzaburō Yoshino

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I read this because Miyazaki's 'The Boy and the Heron' was said to be an adaptation of it and I planned to watch it but apparently it just took the title (not even in English, mind you) so funnily enough this book made me better equipped to watch Napoleon instead.
Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, the Watsons, Sanditon by Claudia L. Johnson, Jane Austen

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
Read Northanger Abbey, don't care Abt the other stories