This was a heartbreaking and haunting tale of young, "forbidden" love between two boys in their teens that continues to affect them well into adulthood. What I loved most about this novel was the narrator writing about his own life not finished
This was an adorably hilarious book about one man's desire to be left alone so he can play video games and eat Pad Thai, the peanuts are a must, and his neighbors and a frying pan makes that next to impossible. I enjoyed this short read and found myself feeling for some of the characters and the situations they were going through. While also understanding the struggle the main character was facing as his doorbell constantly rung and hijinks ensued.
I loved this book. It started off strong. The author did an amazing job of introducing us to Mallory and the kind of person she was while using drugs and the kind of person she became once she got sober. I rooted for Mallory the entire story and wanted nothing more than for her to be happy. The author also did an amazing job of introducing us to the Maxwell's and their dynamic without giving too much away about who they are. It was towards the middle of the book (I'd say around 40-60% of the book) it felt like the story was dragging. I felt like I was reading the same thing constantly and that the author was trying to make sure readers remember certain facts or events within the story that it seemed redundant. Yet, I still pushed through to the end of the book and man am I glad for it. That ending was phenomenal and honestly it made the mundane middle part really worth it.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
It definitely matters the order you put short stories in and this collection is one of those where I say the author did it right. Had the first two stories "The Head" and "The Embodiment" been last, I would've given the book a lower rating. With those first two stories starting the book it was like you were immediately thrown into the chaos of the book. After finishing "The Embodiment" I was very prepared to continue reading the most gruesome body-ish horror and then was pleasantly surprised at the turn of material with the third story "Cursed Bunny". This collection of stories not finished.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book was yet another five star read from the wonderful storytelling brain of P. Djèlí Clark. This book at times had me sitting at the edge of my bed, staying up way past my bed time to finish the chapters, and rooting for assassins. It also made me laugh out loud (especially that last chapter, the characters are very unserious). This book gave me mystery and comedy and suspense and I couldn't have loved it any more than I do.
I enjoyed this book. Not only was it a quick read, but it also included great commentary on how fetishized Asian women are. My biggest gripe with this book (and honestly after finishing it I realized this book did a great job of setting up a book two) was that the whole reason I even picked the book up was because I thought I was going to get some badass Korean young woman serial killer. I had completely skipped the part where it said she was a serial killer in the making. So for the first 70% of the book I was just waiting for her to get to the serial killer aspect and instead, it was just the build-up. I guess that's on me for not paying more attention to the description . Anyway this was still an amazing read and I do hope the author follows it with a part two that gives me more of what I was expecting.