hanne's reviews
413 reviews

Perfect Chemistry, by Simone Elkeles

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Loved the beginning and the plot, but there was one part that I didn't enjoy reading.
Wintergirls, by Laurie Halse Anderson

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This book might be triggering.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson, by John Green, David Levithan

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There was something about this book that I didn't like. It took me over 100 pages to get into the plot, and there were never really anything exciting happening. It also felt like the book was supposed to be deep or something, and that just felt a little awkward because it wasn't. Also, I didn't like the writing style of depressed-Will’s point of view.
Other than that, the book was an okay read. I liked the way the plot was mainly all about Tiny, even though the Wills were the main characters.
Before I Go to Sleep, by S.J. Watson

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I don’t have much experience with the genre of books, so I don’t have much to compare this book to. Before I go to Sleep was an okay read, a bit slow at times. The ending was unexpected, but I don’t know, it might be because I rarely read thriller books. I give this 3 stars because for like the first 290 pages I just wanted to skip to the ending.
The Summer I Became a Nerd, by Leah Rae Miller

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2-3 stars
I enjoyed reading this book and I did giggle a few times, but some parts were just so very cheesy and akward and just no.