hgejfmw's reviews
117 reviews

Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner

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got me out of my reading slump so thank you horny milf book
Autumn by Ali Smith

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first things first, the prose and writing of this is nothing short of beautiful and eloquent. finding myself in a bit of a reading slump which made the jumping around of this novel hard to follow, but in saying that i think the jumping around is what made it. i don’t know that i’ll pick up the rest of the quartet but maybe once this slump has passed. 
Bright Young Women by Jessica Knoll

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while parts of this novel didn’t sit right with me (fictionalising a real story and changing things around to fit your plot), the book itself made me ache. it’s a beautifully written book about the women we look past in these horrifying events, about what their lives were supposed to be. this man was nothing but vile, but why do we focus on men like the defendant? 
if you’re looking for a historical novel based on these real life murders, this isn’t it - but, if you want a read that’ll make you ache for the loss of these lives (and ones similar to it) this may be for you. 
Normal Women by Ainslie Hogarth

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while i really enjoyed this read, something about the plot fell flat for me, particularly the end of the book. a fun read that kept me entertained, but didn’t do a whole lot more outside of that
The Pemberley Chronicles: A Companion Volume to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: Book 1 by Rebecca Collins

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
DNFing for the first time ever! there was absolutely nothing to this book, everyone was happy and there was almost 0 if any sort of conflict. they travelled somewhere, they went back to pemberly, nothing happened. 
this book passed through so much time but everything was either described in far too much detail, or was skated over.