hollanddavis's reviews
688 reviews

Never Wager with a Wallflower by Virginia Heath

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Wait…how big are her tig ol’ biddies? Her bosom? Her chest? Her cleavage? I think Heath only told me a million times in this 400 page book, so I might’ve missed it. 

Honestly I struggled to get through it because I felt like Venus could’ve gotten off of her high horse and the conflict could’ve been resolved so much sooner (I know she’s supposed to be jaded, but come on). I was on her side for while there, but she lost me. 

Galahad lived up to his name, and I thought he was a well adjusted adult (all things considered). Which sounds like the bare minimum, but you’d be surprised.
Meet Your Match by morriganmercy

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Fancy Meeting You Here by Julie Tieu

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A fun and quick AAPI rom-com that tics all the boxes

✔️Opposites attract
✔️Forced proximity 
✔️Best friend’s brother 
✔️One Bed
✔️2010s pop culture references 

Ben is awkward but totally endearing. And Elise is bold without being brash. Their friends (specifically Jessie, Rebecca, and Beth) are charming as we following the characters through each wedding, and it was fun to read their group dynamic and see how each wedding was so different. This book was probably extra relatable to me: a single, 20-something year old woman who also has three weddings to go to in the next few months