icanreadish's reviews
170 reviews

Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan

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"was it possible to carry on along through all the years, the decades, through an entire life, without once being brave enough to go against what was there and yet call yourself a christian, and face yourself in the mirror?"
William by Mason Coile

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a decent read to scratch that techno horror itch. there's not really a sense of atmosphere, and two of the four human characters are basically slasher fodder. lily and henry, though, are v interesting and i liked how their dynamic played out over the course of the book. 
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

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brutal, but incredibly well written and emotionally moving
Murder Road by Simone St. James

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a few genuinely scary scenes, but the horror aspect kind of devolves into a typical whodunnit of a murder mystery instead of the promised supernatural horror. the pacing is a little off, and there's a lot of flashbacks to the couple's meeting and info about the mc's backstory that i can't really find relevant to the plot. 
Exalted by Anna Dorn

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hilarious with revolting characters