5 ⭐️ : I’m incredibly emotional and maybe that’s not the time to do a review, tears still coming down. But, this was fantastic. It’s a love letter to the New England area, vibe, and lore that I’ve come to love living here. It’s a love letter to childhood crushes and childhood friendships that can either stand the test of time, or fade. It’s a love letter to the distinct longing of a place and of a time you know you’ll never get back. Thank you Kelly for this gift.
First time reading a Katherine Center book and absolutely loved it. She has a way with the flow of the story that just work and makes sense, even though there is some stop/start and introspection from the narrator (FMC).
I DO wish that she had included CW's herself at the start of the book. The death of a parent/accident/and life as a full time caretake is very heavy.
I do love historical romances and this one was just written oddly. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters, nor any part of the plot. It all felt surface level, in part I think, to the switching from third to first person. I did appreciate the Duke and his story through being a wounded soldier, but that was about it.