katsbookfixation's reviews
544 reviews

The Parcel by Leigh Suznovich

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“i never looked at them the way my dad looked at my mom, and i’ve never wanted anything less”
“and me?”
“i look at you the way my dad looked at my mom, Lyra”

when i tell you this book just screams ‘love’ i think this story was absolutely beautiful it really shows the obstacles of love and how it’s all worth it and god Taran the man he is he’s one of the sweetest book boyfriends i’ve read about the way he just loves lyra gets me and if you know me you know i LOVE communication and they were amazing with it even with lyras insecurities they still communicated so well i absolutely loved this book and definitely recommend it if you want that perfect love story
Hooked by Emily McIntire

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honestly just made me uncomfortable but we all have our own taste this just wasn’t for me
There Is No Devil by Sophie Lark

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