kays_reading_journal's reviews
302 reviews

Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne

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I feel bad comparing books but also the books are compared in the acknowledgements so-
I enjoyed this more than legends and lattes! If I remember correctly, this book has more action and romance. I think the characterization was pretty similar, but the added action definitely held my attention a lot more. 

I’d say it rides the line on qualifying as cozy fantasy. Don’t get me wrong- it’s definitely cozy, but I do think the action might be a bit much for those who are looking for a cozy story to pass the time. 

Next of Kin by Hannah Bonam-Young

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No star rating yet. I enjoyed a lot of it. 

However, it was published in 2022 yet there’s a HP reference. This is made worse by the fact that the FMC’s best friend is trans (this actually slipped by me, I was listening to the audio and never heard this).

As for the rest of the book:

While I still enjoyed the romance, it wasn’t my favorite aspect in the beginning. I was much more interested in Chloe’s path to raising Willow. 

During the second half, I became a bit more invested in the romance. I was glad that the book brought up Warren’s anger problems and how he was dealing with them, but I don’t know that the way it was all handled will sit well with everyone. 

Listening to the scene where his anger comes out the most, jarred me. 

Most of the content warnings will be in that section, however i did want to mention the anger. There is a scene where a male character yells towards the female character and punches a wall. 

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Pumpkin Spice and Poltergeist by Ali K. Mulford, K. Elle Morrison

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This is advertised as a cozy sapphic paranormal rom-com. I personally felt like it fit more as a mystery romance, and I didn’t feel the coziness too much past the initial description of the town. While it was obvious that death would be involved due to a character being a ghost, there is also attempted murder later on in the book as well. 

In the first half, I stayed for the mystery. I didn’t really feel any chemistry between the two characters, so my interest was held by the investigation into Lou’s death. 

In the second half however, this flipped. The chemistry started growing, and the mystery felt forgotten and quickly wrapped up at the end. 

I’d say it’s got an average amount of Worldbuilding for a cozy paranormal romance, but I did find it odd that Jordyn only interacts with her family in the very last chapter, and there’s a major conflict between the townspeople that’s never cleared up. 

Overall, I do think I’d give the authors another try. 

Thank you to the authors for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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A Phoenix First Must Burn: Sixteen Stories of Black Girl Magic, Resistance, and Hope by Patrice Caldwell

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
The first few stories had a really strong start, but I started skipping some a little ways in as they just didn’t grab my attention. Then one of them mentioned HP and that was kinda the last straw. I get that this was published in 2020 but 🤷‍♀️
Godly Heathens by H.E. Edgmon

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•the boycott against SMP has officially ended today so here’s my review:

•there’s a HP reference. I mean cmon, I would think readers could feel safe from that in a book published by a trans author in 2024, but I guess not. Yes, it is from a character we’re supposed to dislike, but it’s still there. (I don’t remember what exactly the reference was)

•the chapter titles were hilarious, the author has the perfect amount of humor

•this has the soulmates trope and while it is confusing at times, I still enjoyed it

•some of the descriptions are very gory, so beware if you don’t enjoy that

•conclusion: it’s been five months since I’ve read this and while I remember pieces, I don’t remember a whole lot. I know I enjoyed it, but that I enjoyed the authors debut series more. Will still be picking up the sequel. 
Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood

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Content Warning: I’m sure there’s others but Eating Disorders and Food Insecurity is a huge one. Rue’s issues with food are discussed over and over again yet I don’t believe it’s ever actually labeled as an eating disorder (which I think perpetrates some harm). 

Okay- if I don’t think critically about this at all It’s a good book. It held my attention, it was entertaining, sex scenes were good (if a lil too instant lust for me). But. Critically-

Rue has a LOT of autistic traits- and they’re pretty central to the plot (these traits are presented as the reason she’s not close to many people) But it is never brought up once that these are autistic traits. It felt very much: “let’s make this girl quirky and weird so the guy can help her see she’s actually ‘normal’ and fun” 

Anyway- I waited too long to write this review so that’s all I’ve got. Loved parts of it, didn’t like other parts. 

Thief of the Heights by Robin Yao, Son M

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This SFF Graphic Novel had strong characters, beautiful art, and a strong base for a plot, but the novel was too short for the plot to be developed to its full potential. 

The character designs were incredible! I’d love to see all of these characters more in the future. And you could tell so much effort went into designing the world, the shots that were “zoomed out” were so beautiful. The found family was so fun <3

The plot wasn’t the best tho. But a disclaimer- some pages in the arc were out of order, so it was difficult to follow at times. I really liked the base of the plot, but I don’t think the book was long enough for it to fully develop. 

I think revolution is always relevant, more so even today, but that makes me wish that there would have been some sort of epilogue. The ending just felt very abrupt. 

Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. 
I'll Get Back to You by Becca Grischow

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I’ll Get Back to You is a new adult sapphic romance. The two MC’s (Murphy and Ellie, both 21) enter a fake dating relationship after reconnecting right before Thanksgiving. The novel spans the time between Thanksgiving- New Years from Murphy’s pov. 

I really enjoyed the start of this book, it was so strong! It felt like a meet cute winter montage as we saw Ellie and Murphy connect after a fight with Murphy’s best friend, Kat. 

However after this night, the romance aspect falls out of play a bit. While Ellie is still in the story, it focuses on Murphy’s friendship with Kat, her parents, and figuring out what she wants to do after college. I didn’t really like Murphy as a character, so I think this is why I didn’t enjoy this part of the book. 

The characters also felt a lot younger to me. I am 21, so I thought I’d relate a lot, but almost of the time, it felt like the story would’ve been the same if they were 16. I was actually thrown off for a second when there was a sex scene because I had forgotten they were adults. 

Overall, I enjoyed some aspects of it, but I probably won’t pick up anything from this author again. I think this would’ve been better marketed as a New Adult Contemporary with a side of romance. Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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