kintara81's reviews
704 reviews

In the Shadows of Love by Awais Khan

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This was a story that surprise me as it was ultimately steeped in a culture that I know nothing about and how they function as a society. This was something which had me interested in the story from the beginning as it allowed me to give into my sense of curiosity. This was full of vibrant characters and family dynamics which enhances the character side of the of the novel. What Awais Khan then does to complement this is by creating a vibrant environment which is just as dynamic in nature. I can not wait to see what happens with this author in the future and what stories they bring out for the readers.
Ludik and the Runaway Mountain by John Ilho

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This, first of all, has a stunning cover which draws the reader in and makes you want to read this book. Then we meet the characters and they are also magnetic that they grab you and make you want to find out more about them. I think Ludik is my favourite character and this is because you spend so much time with him, learning about him and his disability - which does not stop him from achieving what he wants to achieve. We start on our world and then within 3-5 chapters we jump to a new location which is a fantastical new world and we see how the two start to come together with the characters. My next question is Will we be getting more?
The Day he Disappeared by Catherine Miller

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Wow - this book needs to come with a box of tissues. It had me going from about 50 pages in and could I put this down no. It is full of love, loss, family and friendship which show you the best of the human population. Our main characters Kate and Theo make an instant connection over tragedy and their love goes from strength to strength until a tragic situation stop the relationship from blossoming. We have characters who you can imagine being your best friends and then you feel so much for them that you just want them to get together. Catherine Miller can definitely write a tear-jerker with a beautiful writing style which flows between characters and situations. This is an author to watch.
My Rules by TL Swan

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
This has be Soft DNF'd due to health reasons
The Night Before Christmas by Nicola Knight

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This was a stupidly cute Christmas Romance which was a thrill to read. I have to say part of the charm of this book is the cute cover which has been put together by the author and her team. Then you open the cover and start reading and the author has used the writing style which is romantic in nature and flows in a fun way which is aided by the characters which Nicola Knight has created. I love the main characters and love interests and the fact that they bonded over a cat had me from page one and this did not dissipate by the time that I finished the story where we witness a happy ending. 
New Town by Zakary L. Skiver, Zakary L. Skiver

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This was one of those Horror's which build's and build's in suspense and bad emotions. First lets talk about the very striking cover which has been designed for this and it totally give the correct vibes for this book .... well done to the author for this. This novel has a very easy to read writing style which flows and helps with the suspense and allows them to convey the emotions of the characters and the fear that they are feeling. I loved the fact that we have had such character growth in this novel with the small page count and wow did it have an impact on the story which they have written.
One Night Only by G.P. Ritchie

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This is a contemporary horror set in Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival and this immediately had me hooked. G.P. Ritchie did not mess about and started this with a Magic Show aka Ritual which has someone used as a sacrifice which made me sit up and grabbed me into the story. Setting this in Scotland allowed the author to use well known locations and also allowed the reader to be in a familiar location. I loved our main character and learning his back story but also seeing the character develop throughout this novel. I am excited to see what else the author has written and what is coming in the future.
Before She Fell by Natalie Sammons

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WOW - I did not expect the ending and the underlying smoldering romance which is revealed at the end. This novel is full of high stakes which puts so many of the characters in the cross-hairs for the attempted murder of Susan and when you learn who did it ..... you will have a gasp moment. We Follow several POV's throughout this novel all giving us their view of the story and then we have the police who are trying to stitch everything together to get the suspect. This is genius as it made me want to keep turning the page and this is helped by the easy to read writing style.
Just One Weekend by Catherine Aitken

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I love Catherine Aitkens writing style as much as I love her Characters. This was such a fun and heartwarming story which allow Sandy to find herself and do it in a new country as she is living in a rut of a life. She is a loveless marriage and it take a gruff Scottish Singer to be able to find the sense of herself that she thought she had lost. I have never been to New York and this book allowed me to imagine walking around the streets with Sandy and someone who helps her make a connection. Thank you for writing this story for everyone to read.
The Wartime Nursery by Lizzie Page

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I am loving all of the World War 2 fiction novels which is coming out at the moment ..... this is one of my favourite time period. Lizzie Page was a new author to me and I really enjoyed her writing style and the way that her narratives flow naturally in the setting that she has chosen. She has characters which feel as if she has picked real people and written about them ... even though I knew this was fiction. They develop in a natural way that is not forced and disjointed like can be seen sometimes. I will be going back and reading the first book in this series and then move on with this once the newer ones become available.