krissp's reviews
121 reviews

Rule of the Aurora King by Nisha J. Tuli

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My only complaint is it didn’t feel like much actually happened in this book until the end.
Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed it. I loved the progression of their relationship, getting to know her siblings more, and the flashbacks of her grandmother. 
It just didn’t feel like the plot actually moved forward until the end, which is fine. I’ve been enjoying this series and can’t wait for the next one 
Trial of the Sun Queen by Nisha J. Tuli

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If you’ve ever watched The Bachelor & thought to yourself, “This should merge with Hunger Games, oh and add fae!” congratulations, this is the book for you.
It was fast paced, tense, action filled, and just a bit of spice to keep you satiated. 
The end was predictable, but I’m not complaining. I like where things are going and eager to see what’s next.
Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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This book had me laughing out loud throughout. My favorite thing about the entire story was the humor, relatable situations, loveable characters.
Let’s also give a round of applause to the first couple I’ve seen in an “enemies to lovers” trope where they didn’t treat each other like absolute garbage at first. Misery is one of my favorite female protagonists ever honestly. It was so refreshing to finally have a female lead who wasn’t a total b** to the male. She was still witty but in a funny, good natured way rather than the typical whiny way many leads in this genre are. 
I put off reading this for the longest because it didn’t sound like something I’d enjoy. I don’t typically like any type of modern fantasy, and I had never come across a werewolf romance that wasn’t some cheap, poorly written erotica but I was immediately loving this book.
It was funny yes, but although on the surface it was lighthearted there was some real undertones of deep emotional trauma, suspense building throughout the story as they try to figure out what’s happening, and a definite unexpected plot twists (a few actually) 
A Queen This Fierce and Deadly by Stacia Stark

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This has been an amazing series. From the moment I stumbled upon it I was in love. 
Just finished it and am currently crying as I type this, what a beautiful ending.
This was my favorite book in the entire series.
My only complaints were I’m not a fan of multiple pov (not when it’s more than 2 or 3 people) and I feel like the Queen’s pov could have been cut out entirely or at least not been as prominent.
Aside from that the action, spice, romance, tension, everything was amazing. 
When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker

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By the end I would say it was a 5 star read but when considering the entirety of the book I had to bump it down some because there were many parts that dragged, were confusing, were frustrating, etc.
Overall though it was an amazing read.
World building? Phenomenal.
Main character inner dialogue? Hilarious, Relatable, and full of Angst.
The few spice scenes? UNF.
I loved the characters, even though Raeve had me STRESSED. I loved how thick the book was, how beautifully written everything was.
Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig

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The pacing was slow, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it’s not what I prefer. Otherwise I would have rated this book higher. 
It was very good though, I actually think I enjoyed it more than the first. The ending was a perfect way to wrap up this duo
One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig

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I messed up by not giving this book a chance sooner. It didn’t seem like something I’d enjoy, however I decided I’d just read a sample to see what was up. That sample turned into me devouring this book every moment of spare time I had. 
The magical card concept sounded dumb to me honestly when it was described to me by other readers - I was thinking some Yugioh type vibe. But when actually reading the book it makes sense and is a refreshing, new take on magic systems I haven’t seen before.  I loved the dark undertones throughout the book. 
My only “dislikes” were I wish romance had been a larger plot point, especially the fake dating trope, I prefer slow burns. I also thought the same descriptions were over used, and there were many times that a word was used multiple occasions in the same sentence. 
None of those dislikes take away from how good the book was though, just personal preferences. 
Storm of Secrets and Sorrow by Melissa K. Roehrich

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I honestly couldn’t tell you wtf happened, wtf is currently happening, or wtf is going to happen with this book.
I went into this (foolishly) thinking there would be no way it could be as emotionally devastating as the first book, incorrect. 
I was so emotionally involved with each character. P!ssed for them, anxious, depressed, scared, heartbroken, etc. I need a support group after this. 
That being said, despite the fact I am in SHAMBLES this was a captivating read and I don’t know how to exist in the meantime waiting for the next
Rain of Shadows and Endings by Melissa K. Roehrich

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I had never seen anything about it & just gave it a chance at random. This is right up there with my favorite books ever.
It is incredible. Emotionally devasting in the best of ways. 
I cried, I blushed, I laughed, I screamed, slammed the book closed just to immediately open it again.
I simultaneously LOVED & HATED the characters. I’d be cussing at them at the top of the page and by the bottom I would be infatuated with them again.

This is not for everyone however. As I said, it is very emotional and could be triggering so read the warnings.
It definitely isn’t a lighthearted romance story, but it also isn’t as dark as most “dark romance” it walked the line perfectly in my opinion 🥵

A Promise of Peridot by Kate Golden

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I am in love with this series. There were a few parts of the book that felt a bit slow paced, but the writing was well enough that I didn’t mind. Things picked up a lot by the end and the ending has me in a perpetual panic attack until the next book comes out.