kristenthebookworm's reviews
191 reviews

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

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My favorite thing about this book was the characters, in particular the MMC. He was such a sweetheart 🥹 I was so shocked when Benji showed up in Florence’s home town and the more time they spent together, I could not figure out how we were going to get our happy ending. I spent half the time trying not to get too invested because I didn’t want to be sad at the end but thankfully the romance genre pulled through and gave our HEA. This book certainly wasn’t what I’d call lighthearted, with themes of death, grief, breakups etc but it was really well written and integrated realistically into the plot. 
The Endless War by Danielle L. Jensen

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I have NOTHING but amazing things to say about this book and this series as a whole. 

Keris and Zarrah went through it in this book. There were so many moments where I thought I was going to have my heart broken, and I did, but thankfully Danielle L Jensen put it back together. I am obsessed with how this one played out!!! And the role that Lara and Aren play was a highlight, and I love  their bond with Keris by the end 🥹
Blood Sport by Chloe Higgins, Chloe Higgins

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Honestly, this book was just fine. I picked it up solely based on a reel I saw, with one line that peaked my interest (which tbh is always a hit and miss approach). 

I think this had a lot of potential, because I LOVE vampire stories but the elements just didn’t quite come together. 
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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I was HOOKED on this book from the literal first chapter. The rivalry and the banter is everything I ever want in a romantasy book, and then when I read that Roman was Iris’ mystery writer, I squealed!! 

I loved everything about this book, although one thing I will say is that I’d love to know a bit more about the world and history of the gods (hopefully this comes in book 2).  I enjoyed the setting, it certainly made for higher stakes and heart wrenching moments (yes I cried more than once). Also them writing letters to each other via magic typewriter was everything!!! Definitely something so unique that I haven’t read before, which is always nice in fantasy books.

I almost felt that ending coming, but I still was not prepared for Roman to be abducted(???) by Dacre. I just hope he’s ok because he’s too precious to turn bad. 
The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

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This book was so much fun. It was a bit different to what I’ve come to expect from Christina Lauren, because I’m usually cracking up every other page. Not to say that this book wasn’t still funny, because it was, it just focused more on other themes, namely rich family drama and the family dynamics which was super enjoyable. I LOVE Liam (and am ignoring that Liam is a nickname for William bc that’s insane). I was so sad in the first chapter because I was like what is this tension for if he’s not the interest???? but thank goodness he came back into the picture. I love how this one ended too, such good vibes that make me happy. 
One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig

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I really really liked this one! It took a few chapters to get in the swing of things, but that’s typical of fantasy so I wasn’t too worried. I haven’t read anything quite like this before, and the magic system was really unique and interesting. 

I will say, the book didn’t quite go where I thought it would. Perhaps I’ve read too many dark romances, but I was expecting the Nightmare to somehow become the love interest. Alas, we have Ravyn instead, who I’m NOT mad about because he is a strong MMC. 

I love how the author made almost no character trustworthy, and I spent the entire book trying to figure out what their motivations were and if someone was going to turn them in. And that ending had me on the edge of my seat!!! I am so beyond hopeful that we get some redemption for the Nightmare, and that he’ll work to keep Elspeth safe in a way that also helps the others. 
The Inadequate Heir by Danielle L. Jensen

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This series is honestly everything. 

When I started this book, I was a little unsure about the repeat events that unfolded in book two. Although they were now from Keris and Zarrah’s perspectives, it felt a little repetitive. HOWEVER, once I got to the end I completely understood why this had to happen. I am equally obsessed with them as I was Aren and Lara, and I am so glad we got to see their story and how they came to be allies and eventually love each other.

There were some turns in this book!!! I was so shocked by the ending that I’m scared to pick up the final book (and maybe a little that I don’t want it to end). Keeping my fingers crossed for a happy ending for these two, because they absolutely deserve it. 
Not in Love by Ali Hazelwood

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I’m so glad Ali Hazelwood prefaced this book with a disclaimer that the vibes were different from her previous books, because they absolutely were. For me, this wasn’t a good or bad thing. 

I really liked the characters, both Rue and Eli were flawed and very much unapologetically themselves. I absolutely loved Eli as a MMC, he fell first and just pined for Rue until she accepted her feelings. I think this book was a little less STEM focused than her previous books, and there was almost more interpersonal drama (that did, I will say, relate to their work) which I wasn’t mad about. 

Overall, I really did enjoy this book and Ali Hazelwood is safely cemented in my life as  an autobuy author. 
Unsteady by Peyton Corinne

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I waited far too long to write this review, so I’m struggling to remember specifics. However, I will say that I flew through this book and remember feeling very good about it.

I loved the mental health representation, especially for Rhys, who was the epitome of golden retriever energy. I also loved the way he and his family interacted and supported with Sadie’s family. 

I think there were some things that could have been fleshed out a bit more, like with Sadie’s coach, but I kinda understand why not as they weren’t integral to the main love story. 

Overall this was a fantastic debut and I’m so excited to pick up the second book when it comes out. 
Corrupt by Penelope Douglas

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I really tossed up what this rating would be tbh. If the fact that I barely remember specific details from the book a couple of days after reading it means anything, then there you go. 

I read this pretty quickly and honestly it was just an OK read for me. I can’t pick out anything specifically “wrong” with the book, but I have read other books by the author before and usually they are a bit more captivating. I like the setting, which is the same as Punk 57, but the characters were a bit frustrating. None of it (the entire plot) would have even happened if they communicated 👊🏻 One thing I will say is that I didn’t expect the plots twists, and the two timelines made for an suspenseful time trying to figure wtf was going on. 

I’m not sure whether I’ll pick up the rest of the series.