ladymacbeth2024's reviews
127 reviews

Easton by Riley Hart

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5 stars
I believe this can be the most emotional series Riley hart has written so far (along with Broken Pieces), the level of hurt/comfort is high and I can just imagine how intense "Rhett" will be.
I think she did a very good job describing all what happened in Easton's life and all his emotions: the hurt and the pain of losing his mom and, especially, his twin sister, the feelings of being abandoned by his big brothers, because he was not enough. He was so so lonely.
Easton is such a precious soul, his pure nature reflects on how he takes care of his dogs and it really broke my heart seeig that his dogs' love was the only one he felt he deserved.

Archer is a patient man, a very patient man, he always knows how to approach Easton, how not to scare him or push him too much, but, above all, he knows how to make Easton feel safe.

There's a lot to unfold in this story and, like it happened with the previous book, "Morgan", this is not just the romantic story of a couple, but of three brothers who are trying to reconnect after life threw at them so much hurt and loss.
It's painful but it's also very very beautiful and I cannot wait to read "Rhett" too.

P.S.: I hope there's a special place in hell waiting for Gregory...

I received an ARC from the author and this is my honest review. 
Bro and the Beast 5 by L.C. Davis

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3.5 stars
Nice end of the series. Brad has been a little annoying at first, but then he got better at letting Devon be in charge of his own future.
I missed the romantic swoony moment between him and Raul though, I think there was more passion in the first books. 
Bro and the Beast 4 by L.C. Davis

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3 stars
This was a little disappointing, it seems like its only purpose was to stretch the story out.
The part where they come back was good, but I expected something more emotional from Brad and Devon's reunion.
By the way, big mistake about Raul not knowing the GPS system, when he was the one to put the address of the prison into the car GPS in the first book.
I need to see the pups, so I'm going to keep reading.
Bro and the Beast 3 by L.C. Davis

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3.5 stars
So, Brad is finally back at the frat house and now he wants to go back to Raul because he finally admits to himself that he has feelings for him. After a tentative spell, something goes wrong and Devon goes tinto the book, while Raul arrives in Brad's world.
The marking was a little disappointing, I was hoping for something more romantic.
I'm not even trying to resist this series anymore, I'm going to start the 4th book right now. 
Bro and the Beast 2 by L.C. Davis

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4 stars
I'm completely hooked on this series! Brad starts (finally) having feelings about Raul, poor Raul doesn't know how to handle his bossy mate and Mina is fantastic.
The shrink who came to "help" Brad, made him feel things he had buried long time ago... and now he's gone!
Damn cliffhanger, I have to start the next book ASAP! 
Bro and the Beast 1 by L.C. Davis

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3.5 stars
This was fun light read. Brad's POV is hilarious and poor Raul doesn't know how to handle him.
Their first time was almost romantic if it weren't for Brad bitching the whole time. He's feeling the bond, though, even if he won't admit it.
I'm quite hooked already so I'm going to start the next book soon.
Vine by Fearne Hill

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4.5 stars
Third beautiful installment of Island Love series.
We left Max in the previous book, when he was 19 and struggling to cope with his mother's death, and we find him now, at 25, living a calm life with his lovely dog and his steady routines. Even if Max is in the autism spectrum, he created a seren environment around him that allows him to live fully and independently.
Caspian, on the contrary, is a big giant mess: he's forced to work with his TV partner and ex husband, who cheated on him with their producer. Being in forced proximity with them, it's stressing Caspian out so much that he started to daily cut himself again.

Max and Caspian meet at the vineyard one night when a scared Caspian trips and falls hurting himself. Max takes care of him, bringing him to his home and bed and nursing him back to health.
They develop a routine made with night strolls and kisses on the cheeck, until they get more physical and way more emotionally invested.

Max is a precious wonderful man, he's sure of what he wants and he stands up for himself with his family and friends (I adore his relationship with Eti), he's not scared to express his feelings, even if in his own particular way and he's determined to win Caspian's heart. He's also confident he can help him.
Caspian is quite the opposite: while is very good at his job (despite not liking it), he struggles hard with his mental health problems, and even if he knows very well what triggers his anxiety and his need to self-harm, he's not able to cut ties with said things.

The journey of their relationship is tentative and unsure: Max reminds himself to be patient and his steady presence on Caspian's life will be the only thing that will help the other man to stay sane.

What prevented me from giving 5 full stars:
I didn't like how the jonah&Leigh's situation was resolved, I didn't find it satisfying. And the end seemed quite abrupt.
I also missed Charles.

I don't know if the author wrote this series as just a trilogy or if she's planning to write more books, but I really really hope so. I'm not ready to say goodbye to this beautiful island and its people.

I received an ARC of this book from ForewordPR and this is my honest review

Free Hand by E.M. Lindsey

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4.5 stars
First book of Irons and Works series that introduces us to this amazing found family.
Derek (and his twin brother, Sage) works at the tattoo shop along with other people, all amazing, all dealing with their disabilities and traumas.
Derek, thanks to his abusive father, suffers from PTSD and it's not easy for him to trust people to be there for him with all his problems. But during a storm, he find himself trapped in an ATM cubicule with a panic attack and a gentle stranger helps him through it.
Basil is a florist and he's Deaf: he had a traumatic experience with a former boyfriend that makes it very difficult for him to trust hearing people.

Their journey through love is difficult, tentative and full of miscommunications but it's worth it: they find a way to be who the other needs, they support and love each other. The sex scenes are very intimate and emotional and they reflect perfectly their love.

What prevented me from giving 5 full stars:
I would have loved to have the love declaration a little sooner.

I recently reread this book and I updated my review. 
Flipping the Script by Willow Dixon

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3.5 stars
I'm so frustrated because I really really liked both the MC but I couldn't fully connect with this story.

We've met Jesse in the last two books of Crimson Club series: in fact, Jesse is Quinn's stepbrother and West and Ezra's best friend.
I was so curious about his story because it was hinted he had some troubles and also because he was working as an escort. In this book he's already quit that job and he works as a mechanic.
Sebastian is the former lead vocalist of a famous band that just split; he's working momentarily as a tattoo artist while he figure out what he wants to do.

Bas and Jess have been close their whole lives because of school and because Adam, Jesse's little brother, has been dating Hannah, Sebastian's sister, for a long time.
I like how they start their (non) relationship, always fighting and antagonsing each other, how they slowly start noticing little things and opening up to one another. Their physical attraction help them to get close.

What prevented me from giving a higher rate
This story lacks of romance, unfortunately: love, affection, tenderness, real intimacy come too late in the book and left me unsatisfied.

The last couple of chapters and the epilogue are very good, I need more of those feelings through the story.
Next book will be about Issac and I'm surely going to read it becuse I like the dynamic between him and his best friend Jamie.

I received an ARC of this book from ForewordPR and this is my honest review

Notorious Park Avenue Prince by Ella Frank, Brooke Blaine

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3 stars
Easton has been my least favourite characters of the series, he's entitled, snob and arrogant, I should have known that it would take two men to handle him and I liked that the authors made this choice for him.

While I love MMM stories, I couldn't fully connect with this one: their dynamic seems more about the physical side of their relationship than the emotional one.
I loved Zac and King's relationship: King is very proud and charmed by his young TA's intelligence and determination, and Zac adores his Professor and he's committed to grow up and thrive.
I also liked East and Zac's dynamic, how East pushed all Zac's buttons and dragged him out of his comfort zone and how Zac was able to read him well, let him vent and whine until East was able to be himself without any pretence.
I didn't see the real bond between King and East, honestly it was more like a Dom/brat kind of relationship, focused on the sex part and lacking of real emotions.

What bothered me the most was that East didn't really grow up: the part when he's forced to face some difficulties and show his vulnerabilities was very very good and I really liked how he leaned on his boyfriends and how both of them made him feel safe and loved, but as soon as the situation was resolved in his favour, he was his old arrogant self again.

The secret society part introduces the new series and I'm surely going to read the book that'll have Professor King's former boyfriend as MC; I need to know what happened between them.

I received an ARC of this book from ForewordPR and this is my honest review