ladymair's reviews
341 reviews

Once A Monster by Robert Dinsdale

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A moving story about who are really the monsters, the people who look strange or those who hide among us all. 

I loved this. A character book from the minitor POV and a small child Nell. 
It brought out the right emotions with me and it will be something I’ll be thinking about for a long time. 
Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati

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I’ve never read a Clytemnestra retelling before and I’m glad I started with this one 

I did however expect Clytemnestra to take revenge earlier  instead of seething in her hatred for so many years but as a retelling I was pleased. I felt angry on her behalf but it’s definitely a story that needs to be told for what men have been capable of in the past, how women go unnoticed and are twisted to be hated, and cruel when it was done to them first. 

Highly recommend this 
Navola by Paolo Bacigalupi

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Did not finish book.
I was told this book was like game of thrones and it’s far from that. 
It’s far from calling it a fantasy apart from the Dragon eye that’s used as a paperweight and set in a secondary world. 

The characters lack any depth and thus I wasn’t compelled to follow. The is one female character that appears(that I loved)  and I thought for a moment is when the story is going to pick up

I was wrong 

There isn’t any plot and from looking at other reviews they say it doesn’t pick up until the 70% mark. I am not suffering through this to that point for it to ‘get good’

I believe this book will suit people who prefer literary and historical fiction to fantasy. 

What a disappointment and the marketing team needs to re-evaluate their decisions.
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon

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Did not finish book.
Dnf. I was enjoying the book up until the constant (and I mean constant) thoughts of “why do I like him/her? Why am I thinking about him?” Honestly my eyes hurt from rolling so much 

It seems to me they the author didn’t take enough time to developed the characters to go from hating each other to liking each other. Everything felt so forced.
We Ride the Storm by Devin Madson

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Entertaining. Some moments could have been done a little better with a slight more politics but I had a fun time. 
I’m not a fan of Rah. The other two yes and I can’t wait to see where their stories goes. It doesn’t help that the narrators for this were so bad. Rah narrator was far quieter and slower Than the others it was annoying. Next time I’ll be booking it. 

Story was fun. A good entry and I hope it picks up for the coming books. 
Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey

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Book 2 was a slap out the park. This one? Meh. I hope it picks up again 

It does annoy me how each book we have a different cast of characters. Just when I loved book 2 characters the most
Way of the Wizard by Michael Michel

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
I was lucky enough to be gifted this for a review 

I like to always give indie books a try and this had a strong premise. However the execution was poor. The writing brushed over a lot of deeper moments between characters, the world felt a bit shallow (nothing they usually bothers me too much) but it was the short scenes that got me. Where there were moments to delve deep into the characters and friendships and motivations they were brushed across. I was told the MC could do this instead of going through the trials with him. It left me wanting. It made it hard for me to suspend my disbelief. 

The story idea is strong and I have no doubt that this book has its readers. But for me I like more depth to my books therefore I had to call it quits in this. 

If you love the idea of someone going to seek to become a wizard then this is for you 

The Will of the Many by James Islington

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I don’t know what to do with my life