Despite my not-quite-5-stars, this is my favourite book. Hands down. Maybe I’m personally just fascinated by metafiction, the concepts of stories and endings, chaotic structures and fantastical philosophy, because I know a lot of people don’t love the way this book lacks focus on characters and has a fragmented structure, but the whole thing is so MOVING to me. It’s an ode to stories and to endings and explores fate and one’s place within it, all through the lens of a thoughtful, young, gay uni student. If you read this and didn’t like it the first time, I highly recommend you try it again!! I hated it the first time because it wasn’t at all what I expected, but once you know what to expect, you can actually appreciate the symbolism, ambiance and purpose behind the novel. You’ll come to understand it to be a bit like Alice in Wonderland with deliberacy behind its chaos, despite the somewhat regular structure of the first half of the book. I took off half a star because I feel like the structure could have been refined further, but all in all, BEAUTIFULLY written and I honestly recon I’ll end up getting a tattoo related to this book some day :)