the author has wonderful insights into the murderers she is writing about and supplements the stories with personal antidotes and her experiences from writing. you get a real understanding of the experiences of these women and how prevalent violence against women and feminicide is. This could have very easily been exploitive but it doesn't read that way, the other is reflective and well informed. the story isn't just about the victims but also herself and her own life growing up affected by the constant stories of dead girls.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
if this is your introduction to discworld i'm begging try a later book as well!! it's very fun, the characters are super enjoyable (rincewind love you) but it's also difficult to follow. I know it's meant to be a satire of fantasy tropes but since i didn't grow up with content from the era it's satirising i'm mostly lost. didn't stop me from enjoying it and the world building tidbits are lots of fun of course if could explain what happened when they were on a plane for a couple pages that would be grand regardless i can't hate it for being confusing but it's so fun and charming
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I do agree with other reviews that this book starts strong and loses itself slightly. but the ending feeling slightly rushed doesn't ruin the book for me. It's such a interesting read, the way time travel is built into the world makes the book. The author clearly had strong ideas about how time travel would change society and it keeps the sci-fi feel without being too out there. The story remains grounded for the most part (i don't love the genies, especially the books) and really focuses on how time travel might affect individuals. One thing is: the murder mystery feels misplaced? It almost doesn't need to be there because the world around the concave is interesting enough without the murder plot. Id have honestly read a book with more stories like Fays or Gingers that show the consequences being able to travel through time would have for mental health and interpersonal relationships.
some very good stories, some drag a bit but most are entertaining enough. Get thee behind me, Bubba Moon was my absolute favourite. could have been a book/movie in its own right but is a treat as a short story too