lesbianaunt's reviews
7 reviews

The Amazing Book Is Not on Fire by Daniel Howell, Phil Lester

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its so sad going from modern era dnp to this.. like especially dan oh bud :( he loved theater he played tony and benvolio and prince charming..... and now he's doing tit and he gets to dress up as sister daniel every night. and phil my princess my papa was charming and silly as ever but hes literally gay and out now... im so emo over them 💔
The History of Science Fiction: A Graphic Novel Adventure by Xavier Dollo, Djibril Morissette-Phan

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the golden age of american sf from the 1930s to the late 1940s was the best essay (? graphic novel section) in here. it was 50 pages of interesting conversations between the dominant writers of the time + short adaptations of some of their stories or their lives to the comic form in between. everything else felt like a slog!!!!! too much dense text to be effective as a graphic novel. but if that one essay was published in its own i would keep it on my shelf and spread the word..
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree

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first and hopefully only time i feel the need to have a star rating of a fucking book. what is this letterboxd in 2020. But it was needed for this. as someone else said well this book Will inspire no thought in you. the deus ex machina stone was so fucking stupid NOTHING happened at all. there was
an entire burning building
and it wasn't even interesting enough for me to go HEHE just like in my show 🤭. the bar for me bringing that shit up is ON THE FUCKING FLOORRRRRR and it somehow slithered under it. and you know what SHUT UPPPPPP ABOUT COFFEE 😐 if i could go back in time and destroy all coffee just so this book would never be written i would. finally my biggest annoyance.. the audiobook being narrated by the author...... every word out of his mouth made me so MADDDDD that he had the AUDACITY to WRITE and then RECORD all of this. FUCK YOU TRAVIS. CATCH yourself on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alvin Ho: Allergic to the Great Wall, the Forbidden Palace, and Other Tourist Attractions by Lenore Look

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never thought i would be exhausted by reading a book for 6 year olds but alvin ho has such extreme ocd it was like looking in a mirror while the audience laughed 😐
Norma Jeane Baker of Troy by Anne Carson

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anne carson moment..
"Compare and contrast catching a spear in the spleen with utter mental darkness. Consider ancient vs modern experience. Consider whether any of these is what is meant in poetry by 'a beautiful death.'" "Sometimes I think language should cover its own eyes when it speaks." "But Hermione! Hermoine is my own soul walking around in another body." "Exit NORMA JEANE on wind phone, hand to ear, Hermoine it's me, hello hello hello hello hello." "We have already reflected on Helen's first appearance in Homer's Illiad (Book III, verses 126-129) where she sits in her room livestreaming the war at Troy onto a tapestry. Her thread weaves in and out of living skulls." "He is using his inside voice, his most inside voice. The distance between that voice and the fight voice measures your whole world. How can a voice change so. You are saved. He has saved you. He sees you saved. An easement occurs, as night dew on leaves. And yet (you think suddenly) you yourself do not possess this sort of inside voice—no wonder he's lonely. You cannot offer this refuge, cannot save him, not ever, and, although physiological in origin, or genetic, or who knows, you understand the lack is felt by him as a turning away. No one can heal this. You both decide without words to just—skip it. You grip one another." "Inside me now I am empty of everything and every thought except Hermoine. Hermoine will meet us in New York at the pier, I say to myself. Hermoine is not lying under a sheet in a beeping overlit emergency room. Hermoine will run towards us, laughing and skeptical, with her coat undone. I keep trying to focus on her running with her coat undone, as she always did, and me reaching to close it, as I always did, me doing up a button and her pulling away exasperated, undoing it." 
All of Our Demise by C.L. Herman, Amanda Foody

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all that stuff i said last time is true but yayyyy gay sex❤️ i didn't think they would actually do it but it happened 😯 
All of Us Villains by C.L. Herman, Amanda Foody

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um babys first storygraph review.. the enemies to lovers was so dumb they should have been friends. and they wrote fake magnus bane but made him EVIL? ok cassie take me back into your arms i love you....