mehsi's reviews
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Diwali in My New Home by Shachi Kaushik

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I received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review.

I am always interested in reading about other cultures, other holidays, other celebrations, and I am excited that we are getting more and more books with that. Like this one which is all about Diwali, which took place yesterday and the days before that. So I hope that everyone celebrating Diwali has had an amazing Diwali.

In this gorgeous picture book we meet a little girl named Priya! She is all ready to celebrate Diwali, normally this is a big big party for her with lights, decorations, and family, but what if you have moved to another country, a country without Diwali? There won’t be special decorations, no prep for the festival. I am guessing that this time Diwali fell in the month of November? Right after Halloween or a bit after it, that would explain why there is nothing of decorations, if Diwali had fallen (like this year) in October I would have thought the streets wouldn’t be dull and boring, haha, I know the US and I know that they are bonkers about Halloween and decorate an masse. I know that this is not the same as Diwali, but at least there would have been lights and fun things. Back to the story! We see that Priya is sad, but thankfully her mom is there making yummy food and getting everything ready for Diwali. They may be in a strange country, but Diwali is going to be celebrated! I loved seeing Priya become more happy with each day that passed, and I also love seeing neighbours come together and be willing to help out and be part of the celebrations. It was such a happy ending and I was just smiling and wishing I could be part (though probably not eating anything as I did some more research on the foods and a lot of things are with nuts), but I can at least chat, enjoy the lights, light a sparkler.

I loved that each page showed a new bit of Diwali. From cleaning the home, to making food, to praying, to welcoming guests, to lighting all the lights, it was so beautiful.

I love the extras at the end, some more information on Diwali + a glossary!

The art, well, as I said it is gorgeous. I really love the style + the colours used.

I would HIGHLY recommend this book to all. I am so happy that more books about Diwali are being published, it is such a wonderful festival/tradition. 

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Olivia . . . and the Missing Toy by Ian Falconer

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Another fantastical story about Olivia, though I feel like it was a bit messy with how the story progressed. Like I was reading not one story, but multiple stories.

I really like Olivia, though she really is a bit spoiled and a bit too much at times.

But all in all, I am happy I read the book. I loved the illustrations, very simple but very pretty.

I will be sure to check my library if they have other Olivia books, since I still need to read a few books.
Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley

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I am still not sure what to rate this. The story/plot was awesome: 5 stars. Characters however just frustrated me and I give that a 1.

Another good/bad review.

-I quite liked the main character. She was feisty and had spirit and I really like that in a character. However there are also some bad things but I will address that in the bad part.
-The military school setting. I haven't really seen many books that feature that setting and so I really liked the descriptions of the buildings, the events that happened and the details.
-Drill was a great character and I really liked him, though I wish he would have done more, maybe then it wouldn't have escalated like this.
-The secret society. While this one was a really bad one, I still like books with them and to see them unfold, to find out more about them.
-The story. First girls to join military school and how they fare. It was interesting and since it was quite unique I was looking forward to it.

-With the exception of a few male characters, 90% of the males were horrendous and made me hate people and the male part of the population of the world. This is also one of the big reasons why I am not rating the book. I seriously wanted to throw and drop the book almost every page because of the shitty characters. Seriously, they treated our main character as a piece of nothing, like she was lower than an animal. Hurting her, making threats and so much more. I am sorry, but I absolutely dislike this behaviour and I was just disgusted throughout the book. And especially with that ending, I am sorry, but what? That person is just free to do whatever the f they want? Not getting a real punishment? Seriously?
And not only the main character was hurt, the other females were treated like nothing, or treated as objects (for instance that one girl who had to have sex (at least I am guessing that is what happened) just so she wouldn't be bullied too much). Seriously, no. NO NO NO NO.
-The main character. Yeah, we get it girl, you are all tough and super awesome, but come on, even you have limits and I was kind of hoping she would just stop and just say F you all and bye. Instead she kept pushing, was almost killed a few times. Attitude and determination is one thing, but this one quickly went into the part of idiocy and brainlessness.
-The secret society, I was kind of thinking it might just be the kids at school, but instead it turned out to be way bigger and further spread and I was just creeped out that people would go that far to keep their school pure.
-I did not understand how someone like Matthews could just keep on going on and on, of course we later find out why, but throughout the book and before we find out why, I was just shaking my head. Wondering why the f no one was doing anything at all to stop him.
-The romance/love. I didn't like how the main character went between two characters and when she finally picked the person she liked, she couldn't be with him because of the whole rule thing at the school. Urgh. Making me all happy something good is happening and then to have it ruined like that.
-Various other things that I just didn't like and that made me dislike the book.
-The real reason why the girl is at school. That is the reason you went to school?????? Eh??????

As you can see there are good and bad things, but sadly I can't rate it, so I will just leave this one as it is, without rating. Maybe one day I can think of a rating, but for now nope.

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De kick by Helen Vreeswijk

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Wauw, mijn eerste Helen Vreeswijk boek die gedropped is. Normaal zijn ze redelijk goed en geef ik ze rond de 3 of 4 sterren.

Maar sorry, ik was bijna halverwege en ik kon het gewoon niet meer aan.

Waarom niet:
1. Het geweld. Het was eerst gewoon wraakacties, en die waren al erg grof/vergaand, maar nu hebben we al een gozertje die gewoon zomaar mensen in elkaar hengst als ze het niet met hem eens zijn. Hij doet zelfs zijn ma pijn, en wilde een 8 jarig kind pijn doen. WACHT WAT? Nee. Ik wil ook niet verder weten hoe het gaat, ik haat de karakters en ik snap dat ze in de gevangenis zijn gekomen. Daar horen dit soort types zeker thuis.
2. De wisselende POVs. We hebben Maurice, Steef, Danny, Frits en Peter, en die wisselen allemaal lekker lukraak af. Ben je net een stuk vanuit de POV van Danny aan het lezen, de volgende stuk is opeens over Frits. Echt veel te verwarrend en dat zorgde er zeker ook voor dat ik geen enkel gevoel had (nou ja, behalve afkeer) voor ze.
3. Die wraakacties? Kom op zeg, het ging gewoon te ver, was gewoon teveel. Ik had gedacht aan minder geweldadige/over the top dingen. Maar een auto in de fik steken? Een bakkerij de grond in krijgen door vernielingen te doen? Een meisje aftuigen en bijna verkrachten??????? En oh we hebben geen wraakacties meer, dus dan gaan we een pinautomaat opblazen???
4. De sex dingen. Iets wat ik vaker in Nederlandse YA voorbij zie komen. Erecties, masturbaties, sex, penissen die er gewoon uit worden geflopt, sex. Bedoel, serieus? Je penis (nou ja, je erectie die in je broek zit) tegen een foto aanwrijven en kreunen? Masturberen bij een foto van een meisje die je net in elkaar hebt geslagen?
Het is een reden dat ik steeds minder Nederlandse YA lees, en dat ik meer naar de Engelse YA gaan. Aangezien die heel vaak niet dit soort dingen heeft. En ik voel me gewoon erg ongemakkelijk bij dit soort dingen, zelfs als volwassene.
5. Teveel drama en onzinnigheid.

Heel erg jammer van dit boek, vooral omdat er misschien geen boeken meer komen. Als ik de facebook van Helen Vreeswijk moet geloven heeft ze de strijd verloren tegen borstkanker en is de kanker nu in haar bloed. Ze zegt dat ze zal schrijven, en we kunnen alleen maar hopen dat ze nog jaren te leven heeft, maar het kan ook zomaar voorbij zijn. Echt super sneu, ze is een geweldige schrijver.

Ik zou dit boek zeker niet aanraden en mensen aanraden haar oudere boeken te lezen.
Judy Moody Declares Independence by Megan McDonald, Megan McDonald

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4.5 stars! Say hello to independence and new characters. <3

This book was all about Independence, not only for the US (which was interesting, I did know a lot of stuff, but I learned some new things), but also for Judy. The book starts totally different than the other books. Instead of Judy hurrying to class, or starting with school, the book starts off with our Moody family in Boston, learning all about the American Independence, about tea parties, about fights with British people, about taxes. It was a refreshing start.

Sadly it wasn't all that good. Don't get me wrong, most of the whole Boston thing was highly interesting, but, big BUT, Stink was just so effing annoying. Constantly whining and complaining and moping about everything, not being happy that they were able to get out of school and have a fun day as a family far away from home. Oh no, mister Stink just kept bugging and complaining. Normally he is already quite the annoying little *insert some bad words* but he was even worse in this part, and well, actually the rest of the book as well.

Like I said the book is not only about American Independence, but also about Judy and her independence. She is older than her brother, but still is treated the same (and I can kind of understand why). I can imagine that is just not fun. I do understand the parents and why they don't give her more pocket money or time before bed, but I do kind of wish they had. Judy does do her best, at school and at home, and sure she needs to be motivated at times, but I don't see why that is so strange. She is still a kid. But I do think that she should be rewarded for the stuff she does do. And why doesn't she have her own alarmclock? And why is that so strange that she wants one?

I loved Judy's project at school, and how she performed it. Judy is creative and likes to show that.

Of course she still has her moods, but that makes her an interesting character. Sure, at times her angry moods get a bit frustrating, especially if they happen because she doesn't get what she wants, but in general the moods fits the situation, and Judy generally changes moods to something better quite fast.

We also have a new character, named Tori, who makes the cast even bigger. She is from England and Judy met her during her Boston trip. They write to each other (and sent little things). It was really cute, and I do hope that Tori, or Judy, will visit each other. That would be so much fun.

All in all, this was a great book, if only Stink wasn't so annoying I would have rated the book higher.

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The Amazing History of Technology by Silvia Svetec, Martin Welker

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I received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review!

4.5 stars.

Wow, I loved this book, it was what I hoped it would be, and so much more. It is the kind of book I normally already love. While I also really like non-fiction books with words (after all I love to read), I do love the picture kind of non-fiction even more. It just has more impact, and (at least for me) makes me remember stuff even better.

The book starts with (where else) the big bang, and from there on we get inventions, important things, important people, everything that happened in the universe, in bit-size format (since of course not everything is mentioned, which isn't bad, since that would mean the book would be endless). There are pictures of people, inventions or important events with a date next to it. These dates are in BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). Which I had to look up since I am used to: AD or BC.

The illustrations are really fun, and well drawn. Items are easily recognizable, but also people. Often I already had an inkling who it would be before I read the names! Good job!

Would I recommend this book? Yes, yes I would. I am sure young and old will love this book. Kids will learn new things and have a good time learning it (due to the illustrations, the font). This is a short book, but it will teach you a whole lot!

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青い鱗と砂の街 2 by Komori Yoko, 小森羊仔

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4.5 stars. *sniffles* That was just so sad, and beautiful. Really, this manga is highly recommended!
Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm by Megan McDonald, Peter H. Reynolds

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4.5 stars. A new fun, laughing aloud story with Judy Moody in the lead.

I really loved the topic of the book, good luck charms, good luck, bad luck, Spelling Bees (those really sound so much fun, I would have loved to have those back when I was a kid), pigs and oh so much more.

However, like I said in previous book reviews for Judy, she is so easily impressionable and at times seems like she has no brains in that head of hers. OMG my good luck charm works, lets not study or do anything. Sure, it seems the charm worked, but if it was truly the charm, or just Judy being extra lucky during those days, we will never know. I just didn’t like how Judy depended so much on one charm.
I also didn’t (never did) like her attitude towards Jessica. On the one hand she is friendly, but on the other hand it seems she is just using Jessica. Not a good attitude to have for a kid so young. Bleh.

But most of the book had me laughing out loud, especially when something happened to the charm and it seemed all was lost. Judy’s reaction to it, and then Stink’s reaction (when he did something with the coin), was great.

The trip to D.C was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot, I wish I could see all those things that Judy and her family saw. They sound fun and interesting, exactly the kind of stuff I would also enjoy.
I loved the little Bad Mood House, that would just be perfect for Judy to have.

Of course we also have illustrations, and I still love them a lot. They are fun and really make me laugh at times.

Would I recommend this book? Yes!

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The Madness Underneath by Maureen Johnson

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Finally had a chance to read this book in one go. It was kind of difficult to get in to, and it felt at times that it missed the action of the first book. Luckily it soon recovers and we are throw in a whole new story and a whole new turn.

Rory, well she was nice, but I felt like she lacked a bit. Sure I can imagine having a murderous ghost after you is scary, getting killed too, but well... she just went to school and did nothing? Ok, she grabbed and tried to get through her books a few times but that is that.

We got a whole bunch of new characters, new villains, and more.

But gaaaaahhhhhh at the ending.
Spoiler Finally Stephen and Rory kiss, lots of times and then he just dies? And now we have to wait for the next book???????? No way!!!

But it was a good book, really looking forward to book 3 in this series. I really hope we get more development for the characters and that everything goes ok with everyone.
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