mythdify's reviews
56 reviews

We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets

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The true horror of life is being disensitized on what we consume on social media on a daily. It's truly heartbreaking how unconscious we are (sometimes) that we normalize some things that shouldn't be normalized. It really is taking a toll on our mental health and the way we live our lives. 

As for the writing style, for me, it feels flat and not really that engaging. I was thankful it was only a few pages. Nonetheless, this book raised so many questions that made me reflect and assess how social media had impacted my perception. 
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

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A hauntingly melancholic book that is so subtle yet one of the most profound books I've ever read this year. 
The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison

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Take note: lots of trigger warnings in this book. 
It was a written in a generic way but it's somehow gripping. Tbh there's so many loopholes and the ending was confusing. I didn't like how instead of depicting how psycho really the gardener was, he was portrayed as a loving caretaker of lost girls. I also hate the fact that the girls just accepted their fate and not even fight to gain their freedom. It feels like the author just wants girls to be submissive for the plot. The lack of grit and bravery to fight for their lives really throws me off. Smells like sexism and misogyny! One thing I only truly like is the female friendships and girlhood formed even in the most fked up setting. If you're looking for a book just to get you off reading slump, this book is okay. Don't expect anything profound. 
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.