natslibrary's reviews
249 reviews

Flawless by Elsie Silver

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I’m a bit disappointed with this one. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been meaning to read this book for a while and I’ve seen it hyped up for so long but it wasn’t what I was expecting.

It wasn’t by any means terrible but it wasn’t the best book out there. I feel like I liked the last 50% more than I did the rest of it. I found Rhett so immature in the beginning - he was acting like a little boy, throwing tantrums and whatnot. I liked Summer a lot though!

The thing is that even though there were so many good scenes and chemistry between them (I personally loved the texts at the beginning of each chapter), some scenes threw me off. Like Rhett going off on Summer when his thoughts clearly said he agreed with her. I feel like the author should have written that differently.

Overall, it was a good cowboy romance - so much so that I’m still pretty excited to read the rest of the series.
Business Casual by B.K. Borison

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This has been my most anticipated read ever since it was announced.

I’ve literally counted down the days till its release and got the books as soon as I could. The thing is when I’m very excited for the book to come out, I find it a bit underwhelming - like I’ve built too high expectations that it can in no way reach.

It isn’t this case with this book.

Business Casual somehow knew all of my expectations and surpassed them by a whole fucking lot.

From the chemistry the characters had (from the first chapter may I add) to the cute found family the characters have built around them and of course, the amazing and thank God not to meddling town that loved them both.

This was a dedication to friendship, to family (new and old) and of course, to spontaneous love. I cried, I laughed and I blushed like there was no tomorrow.

Definitely one of my favourites from this author and if you have some reservations and still haven’t picked this up, don’t listen to them and please do.

This book is too good not to read.  
Fall With Me by Becka Mack

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I took a few days before I started writing this review and then I did something that I have never done before - I reread the book. Usually, I wait at least a few weeks or I’ve read another book in between before I pick up a book but I seriously could not put this down.

That is how much I adored Fall With Me.

From the found family the main characters built to the cute cat fashion shows to the insane amount of flirting before they’re even considering being together, this book had everything I wanted and so much more. Lennon is an absolute icon, a soft but strong Queen while Jaxon has more walls keeping him from showing everyone how much of a soft loving boy he is. And when he did that, I literally melted.

He and Garrett are tied as two of my favourite BM male characters.

If you haven’t read this yet, I urge you to do so. This was 100% worth the hype and the author is definitely one of my must-read authors!
Play Along by Liz Tomforde

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The way this book has consumed me these past few days should tell you enough about how much I love this book! I honestly don’t know how this author does it every time but damn, this was so so good!

I saw bits of myself in both Isaiah and Kennedy, enough to make my breath hitch, for goosebumps to rise and for me to put the book down to gather my wits before continuing. The book is so well written and the characters are so easy to love and want to cradle in your arms and protect from everything happening.

The found family vibes were immaculate, I felt jealous reading those scenes and so so happy to see characters from the rest of the series and how their lives are after the end.

If you haven’t picked up this series, or this book even, I 100% recommend you do. You won’t regret it; it has quickly become one of my favourite sports romance series ever! 
Chasing The Slipstream by Kanitha P.

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This has been one of my most anticipated reads of the year and now that I finished it, I want to go back in time and start it all over again. Because even though I love dark morally grey love interests, I have the biggest soft spot for soft boys.

I absolutely adored both MCs; I loved how they always had each other’s backs, how they took their time with everything, especially when it came to love confessions, and how despite being scared about the unknown ahead they would power through it not only for each other but for themselves as well. I enjoyed reading about their journey to maybe not loving themselves exactly yet but getting there.  It was very touching and emotionally packed.

Rowan and Ava did have a bit of a childish rivalry at first but once they got over that, they stole my heart - their banter was off the charts, I loved their nicknames but my favourite thing about them is that during the whole secret relationship dilemma, they always wanted to keep going to protect one another and not themselves.

The author did an amazing job with this book and I wholeheartedly encourage you to pick it up!

Thank you to the author for giving me an e-ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review!
God of War by Rina Kent

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I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed with this book. Maybe it was the excitement and the wait that had me built too high expectations because I feel like this book was 95% angst and 5% romantic scenes between Eli and Ava. 

And don’t get me wrong, I totally get why the angst was there; the plot twist alone was a big slap on the face. I just wanted more of them being happy. I feel like all we got is crumbs or just some thoughts here and there. They were basically full-on arguing through most of the book or it was just Ava trying to get back at Eli and him getting angry. 

I wanted more fluff, I guess. 

Also, because of how long the angsty part was, I feel like the ending was very much rushed. One minute Ava is pissed and wants a divorce, the next she wants her husband back. I get that there are a few months in between but that still feels like so little time. 

Overall, it wasn’t my favourite LOG book but it definitely wasn’t the worst!
King of Sloth by Ana Huang

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I absolutely loved Xavier and Sloane’s story; I think it might even be my favourite AH book! I loved the pacing, the banter, and heck even the third-act conflict (thank god, there was no break-up!) because of how real they felt and how good they flowed. 

My favourite thing about this book though has to be how complicated these characters were; from Xavier’s past to his aversion to work and from Sloane’s relationship with her family to her attachment issues. And the fact that these problems weren’t fixed in like ten pages but were mentioned throughout the whole book and the characters slowly but surely did the work themselves with the help of the other. 

And let’s not forget all the cameos we got; Vuk’s appearance had me hooked already for King of Envy but it was also so good to see some of the past characters (even some from the Twisted series)! 

One thing had weirded me out and I absolutely hated was the shoe scene; that was out of pocket and so unnecessary. Why did it even exist? 

Overall, though, I absolutely loved this and definitely recommend you read this!
Second Chance Mates by Savanna Rose

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This book reminded me why I love werewolf romances so much and why they will always remain a guilty pleasure of mine!

Ava and Jax’s story was full of plot twists coming your way when you least expect them; I really enjoyed how their relationship progressed and how it wasn’t forced from the bond but encouraged by it.

Jax took his time with their relationship. Sure, he was overprotective but more as an instinct. He started by learning who Ava was, especially after the death of his mate, before asking for more. As for Ava, she finally managed to put herself first, to remember and also learn who she was and how strong she was before even thinking about other people and relationships.

I liked the pace of the book - slow but not too slow for it to be annoying. The only problem I had was that some scenes or dialogues were a bit repetitive but overall, I absolutely devoured this! Definitely recommend picking this up if you love werewolf stories.

Thank you to the author for giving me an eARC copy of the book in exchange for an honest review! 
Close Call by Ki Stephens

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Ki Stephens does it again!

This book was so easy to read, I immediately fell in love! Hayes and Emmy had the most hilarious and sweetest moments ever; from their cute little banter because he loved to flirt with her endless to them learning to not just be their own person but to also support one another.

I loved how these characters were flawed. Hayes had his own baggage to deal with while Emmy did also. It wasn’t just one of them being happy and helping the troubled one like I’ve seen happen countless times in books. In this one, everything felt so raw and yet so beautiful.

I also loved the representation in this one and how everyone reacted to it (not their reactions because most of them irritated me but the fact that they were true reactions I would see someone have in real life — this helped make the characters feel more like actual people than words written on paper).

I really enjoyed the pacing in this, the book went by so quickly that when I realised I was almost finished, I wanted to cry. I wish I could reread it again for the first time! The author did a fantastic job with this one and I wholeheartedly recommend you picking this up!

Thank you to the author for giving me an eARC copy of this book in exchange of an honest review. 
The Unwanted Marriage by Catharina Maura

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Dion and Faye’s story was not what I expected it to be.

First of all, I hated the fact that there was another love interest for Faye. Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved for her to have had boyfriends and such like Dion did but not a boyfriend who she claimed she loved in the beginning and basically the author having Dion to compete with that just because of their arranged marriage. I did not enjoy reading those scenes and trust me there were a lot.

But I did like the moments where they were true to both themselves and each other and actually enjoyed being together. I loved how Dion always protected and helped her stand on her own two feet and how Faye helped him in return with his grief.

Do NOT get me started on Faye’s family, them and Hannah can burn in hell for all I care. They got what they deserved, thankfully.

The third act was not it for me. It felt back stabbing after everything they’ve been through and I get both points made but things should have been discussed before anything had happened.

Overall, it had it ups and downs so three stars for the third book in this series.