oracle_of_madness's reviews
1074 reviews

Solomon's Crown, by Natasha Siegel

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!! 

I love this story. King Phillip II of France and Richard I, Duke of Aquitaine,  are my new favorite love story!  I want to point out that in the author's note at the end of the book, the author points out how many liberties were taken for this tale.  And, I'm glad they were because I'm obsessed with this!!! 

A romance that begins slowly turns and blooms into such an timeless tale that so many can relate to.  Not as if we are kings and dukes or Queens or such, but as people that have insurmountable responsibilities that seem to keep them from their true desires.  Or, anything that can keep any person from being with their true love.  This is a love of the ages and I feel like it will always reside within me.  

Obviously,  I am absolutely enamored with this book.  The attention to details about this time and the charecterization of these people I never get to read about is beyond amazing.   I love that the author chose to bring this time period to life and tell this story.  There is a lot of attention to the politics surrounding France and England at this time.  However,  this is something that I really enjoy reading about and didn't detract from the love story at all, in my opinion.  

I highly recommend this one! 

Out March 14, 2023! 
Antimatter Blues, by Edward Ashton

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

When I picked this up, I didn't realize it was a sequel, but I still wound up enjoying this.  

Antimatter Blues is a fun experience and definitely gave me the escape from reality that I need while reading.  Mickey is an expendable, and has trauma over his history of deaths he experienced during the time he was active.  It's been 2 years since his retirement, but just as he's getting comfortable, he is pulled into conflict once again.  

Mickey and a group set out on a mission with one of the planet's own lifeforms,  a creeper. He needs to get a bomb back from another nest of lifeforms that he has never communicated with, and the adventure is action-packed.  

This story was funny at times and frustrating at others.  I didn't completely love all the characters, but I was still able to enjoy this read. 

Out March 14, 2023!
The Angel Maker, by Alex North

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

I'm reading lots of good books lately and this is another one. Super dark and absolutely thrilling, this book had me hooked, especially with the back story of the murder victim. 

Allan Hobbes was murdered in his creepy mansion, and the detectives are on the case.  However, this leads them in a lot of directions, making it seem like there is an underlying connection between everything.  

Sarah is a protective sister with her own family, a daughter, and her husband.  However, she hasn't had a chance to be that protective sister for her little brother in over a decade.  When she finds out her brother,  Chris,  is missing, she immediately takes it upon herself to start the search.

Chris is, in fact, in hiding.  But it is not for what I first believed.  There are connections, like a spiderweb, over the different character's and their pasts.  This story really drew me in with the brutal history of serial killer jack lock and his creation of a book that reveals the future.  It's almost as if the future is laid out, pre-ordained, and nobody even has any real choices.  (A very interesting and quite depressing thought🤣🤣)

I loved this.  I loved the darkness of the theme that ran through this story and following these characters.   Definitely recommend for fans of thrillers!

Out February 28, 2023!

Content Warnings for violence and disturbing imagery 

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Weyward, by Emilia Hart

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!!

Wow.  The connection between these 3 women, the connection to nature especially giving a mother nature vibe, and the girl power!! Yes!

This is something I think many people could relate to.  It highlights some very real struggles, including sexual assault and domestic violence, but only to show the enormous amount of strength it takes for a person to live through that and get out of the situation.   

This story follows three women over the course of five centuries.  Each chapter had a different one of these women as a main character throughout this book.  I loved that.  I loved seeing the connection between them blossom as I continued to read.  Especially how they all came to and used their powers as Weywards.  

I definitely recommend this one!

Out March 7, 2023!

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Meru, by S.B. Divya

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This was so thought-provoking.  The story takes place far in the future after humans had our chance at taking care of our planet and, unfortunately,  (but not surprisingly) failed. Alloys are the main population now in different worlds, and it was them that basically rebuilt and recreated safe planets.  

The main character this story revolves around, however, is human.  I loved following her story because she's incredibly kind and also a genius, so I loved learning all the small details of this scifi world through her.

This really made me think, and in good ways.  After reading this, I really sat and just pictured where earth really will be in 10 years, 20 years... much farther out, as well.  And, I think that's a sign of a great book.  A book that has a lasting impact.  And, Meru certainly does. 
The Curator, by Owen King

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

I really wound up loving this.  It's bizarre, whimsical, and has cat worship! I do feel like this is the kind of fantasy that half of the readers will not enjoy saying it doesn't make sense, and the other half will enjoy immensely as the treat it is. 

Dora is the main character in this story, and really,  the heart of this tale. There are many other characters throughout the book that different chapters follow, which, admittedly, was a bit confusing at first.  But, my feelings on books like this is to simply go with the flow and trust the author and in this case, that definitely worked out! 

There is revolution, a secret society and a whole entire community of people interacting throughout this novel.  What made me really fall in love with this was how all these tiny pieces started fitting together at the end to make this quite amazing full picture that really is quite beautiful. 

Out March 7, 2023!

There are some disturbing scenes and images, suicide, violence, torture.

The Foxglove King, by Hannah F. Whitten

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

I'm so obsessed!!! I want multiple copies of this book.  Take all my money, idc! I need more... I just want more, more more!!! 

Lore is the female main character and the narrator of this story.  She lives in a country in which citizens use poison such as Belladonna and Foxglove as a drug and also as a way to increase the length of their life. Lore has a secret ability, a way to control and contort death, or mortem.  She's caught during a poison run and soon finds herself amidst a secret plot of the King in the citadel.  She's paired with a pious monk (a very good-looking monk) while they work together to spy on the (also, incredibly good-looking) prince.

This book broaches the topic of religion and politics, and if there should even be a relationship between the two while the main characters attempt to trust one another and face possible betrayals at every turn.   This love triangle is also more than it seems, which is one of the myriad of reasons I'm looking forward to much more in a sequel.  

There is so much to this book.  I felt just riveted to this story and thought about it even when I wasn't reading.   

Out March 7, 2023! 
My Dear Henry: A Jekyll & Hyde Remix, by Kalynn Bayron

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

I have always been interested in the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story and theme.  It always came across as quite brutal to me for many of the reasons the author mentions in the author's note at the end (which, as always,  I recommend reading).

This was different, though, like any retelling should be.  It is the late 1800s, and Gabriel is among his fellow black classmates struggling to be taken seriously in a medical school.  When he meets Henry, he realizes that there is much more to life than trying to belong.  Henry's father, Dr. Jekyll works to separate Henry from his love for Gabriel. However, should anyone ever be forced to turn away from their true self? 

This was beautiful and emotional. An absolute treasure that I will never be able to forget.  Definitely recommend this! 

Out March 7, 2023! 

Content warnings for homophobia, racism, violence, and sexual assault.  

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Royal Blood, by Aimée Carter

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

I loved this book! It was exciting. Just the right amount of emotion, romance, and the ending left me hoping I get to read the sequel soon!

Evan has a tumultuous past, but when she's caught starting a fire at her boarding school, she is left without too many choices. Jenkins (love this guy) makes the decision to take to her father, the king of England.  But when she arrives, she is faced with the brutality of the press, living openly as King Alexander's illegitimate daughter, and worst of all, being almost completely sexually assaulted and then wrongfully accused of murdering her attacker.

This is a busy and torturous time for her.  But, I loved seeing her strength and her character overcome these hard hits, even when it all felt like a lost cause.  I loved the attention of what it's like for a person to recover from sexual assault.   More than anything,  I loved learning more about her father and her mother's relationship.  

This got me in all my soft spots, and I can't wait for more! I love Evan's character and can't wait to see more of her royal journey! 

Out March 7, 2023! 

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Missing Clarissa, by Ripley Jones

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Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!!

This book was so unexpected for me.  I thought I would be going into this obsessing over a new teen murder/mystery.  However,  what I loved most out of this story were the incredible characters, particularly Cam.

Cam and Blair are best friends, so when their favorite class, journalism, has a huge project,  they (mostly Cam) decide on a podcast about a girl that's been missing for 20 years.  This leads to some awkward reporting, both of them learning together their strengths and weaknesses pertaining to this project, and, of course, many secrets revealed. 

I loved the relationship between Cam and Blair.  The overwhelming kindness and honest love between two best friends who are opposites in so many ways was absolutely endearing.   Cam is not great communicating with people, she's honest, she's honest to a point that can at times be detrimental.   But her honesty is what made me really love this book.  The compassion Blair shows, being caring and very uplifting for Cameron, simply made my heart grow.  

The last part of this book was a whirlwind.  I could not read fast enough.  The story around the podcast and Clarissa seemed to be moving slowly, but the last several chapters were explosive. 

I loved this book and recommend it to fans of ya mystery/thriller reads! 

Out March 7, 2023! 

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