patmcbau's reviews
112 reviews

The Paris Apartment, by Lucy Foley

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I finished reading this book this morning. The author, Lucy Foley, also wrote The Guest List. I read that book in 2020 and liked it. I was eager to read another book by her. The Paris Apartment is about a woman named Jess who is living in England and needs a fresh start. She asks her brother, Ben, if she can stay with him for a while. When she arrives at his apartment in Paris, he isn’t there. Jess is worried about her brother and tries to figure out what happened to him. The other residents of the building are not very helpful. The story is told in multiple points of view. The reader discovers the strange interactions Ben had with the others living in the building. The book didn’t become a page turner or suspenseful until the last 100 pages. There are many twists and turns in those last 100 pages
The Light From You, by Ellison Lane

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The Light From You
A Novel Written By Ellison Lane
Historical Fiction
210 Pages
Published 2022

This is such a sweet story. The first part of the story takes place in Salerno Italy in 1943 during World War II. Twenty year old Rosia Paneterri finds an unconscious injured US Navy Officer on the beach near her home. She brings him back to her home in her wheelbarrow. Rosia, her mother, and younger sister tend to his wounds and care for him. Although the officer, Chester Earleywine, is at their home recovering from his injuries for only a week, Rosia and Chet feel a spark of romance.

Part II of the story fast forwards to 1948. The war is over and Rosia has made her way to the United States. She is living in Fayetteville, North Carolina. She has graduated from college and is now a teacher. She is dating US Army Specialist Leland Greene. Rosia has never forgotten Chet and doesn’t know if he survived the war. She attempts to contact his family to tell them about her encounter with Chet in Italy. Since it is 1948, her only means to communicate is through the mail which is slow. Rosia is surprised by the response from Chet’s mother.

The story is told from both Rosia’s and Chet’s point of view. Both characters are likable, especially Rosia. She was very brave. She helped a US officer during the war despite the United States being the enemy at that point in the war. She had the courage to leave Italy as a young woman to make a better life for herself in America. She also had the courage to find her own true love.

Thank you Ellison Lane for giving me an Advanced Readers Copy ARC of your book. I enjoyed it and recommend it to lovers of romance and/or historical fiction. This book comes out on June 7th.

“Don’t settle for less than you deserve”.
“Chet had been the illustrator of my dreams and the author of my future from the beginning”.
Ugly Love, by Colleen Hoover

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Book Review
Ugly Love
A Novel Written By Colleen Hoover
Fiction - Love Story
322 Pages
Published 2014

How is it that this book was published in 2014, and I’m just reading it now?

The two main characters, Tate Collins and Miles Archer, agree to enter into a “friends with benefits” arrangement. It seems perfect for both of them. Miles isn’t looking for love. Since Tate is going to graduate school during the week and working as an RN on the weekends, she has no time for dating. Miles has two rules - never ask about the past and don’t expect a future. But, is this the perfect arrangement? What if one starts to have feelings for the other? What if one wants to break one of the rules?

This book is told in alternating points of view between Tate and Miles. Tate’s point of view is told in present time. Miles’s point of view focuses on events in his life that happened six years earlier. Readers slowly learn Miles’s struggles with love in his chapters.

Don’t underestimate the importance of the character, Cap, to this story.

There are some readers who hated this book. Not me! I really liked it. This book made me laugh, it brought me to tears, it made me mad, and I also felt sad while reading it.

“But sometimes we don’t do it for ourselves. We do it for the people we love more than ourselves.”

“I didn’t fall in love with you. I flew.”
It Ends with Us, by Colleen Hoover

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This is a book you have to read! The story is so powerful. At times it pulls your heart out. It focuses on a topic that is difficult to think about and read about. Despite that, I had a hard time putting it down. I’m not going to tell too much about the plot. I think it is better to go into this book blindly. Colleen Hover really makes you think with this story. The main character, Lily, is a very strong woman. I kept rooting for her and wanted her to find her happily ever after. It Ends With Us definitely lived up to all the hype. The sequel to this book, It Starts With Us, comes out October 2022. “There is no such thing as bad people. We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things.”
One True Loves, by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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One True Loves
A Novel Written By Taylor Jenkins Reid
Fiction: Romance
327 Pages
Published 2016

The main character, Emma Blair, is living her dream life. She married her high school sweetheart, Jesse. They are living in California far from their hometown in Massachusetts and are traveling the world. Just before their first anniversary Jesse’s helicopter goes missing while he is on assignment. Jesse and the rest of the crew are assumed dead. Emma is devastated with the loss of the love of her life. She moves back home to her parent’s house in Massachusetts and slowly puts her life back together. She reconnects with an old friend, falls in love again, and gets engaged. Just as she is enjoying her second chance at happiness, Jesse is found alive. Now she needs to choose between her husband and fiancé.
I couldn’t stop reading this book. I needed to know which one she chose and why. Keep tissues handy while reading this book. Taylor Jenkins Reid’s storytelling brought me to tears many times while I was reading.

“Just because something isn’t meant to last a lifetime doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to be.”
Book Lovers, by Emily Henry

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Book Review
Book Lovers
A Novel By Emily Henry
Fiction - Romantic Comedy
373 Pages
Published 2022

This book lover enjoyed reading about these two book lovers!

Nora Stephens is a literary agent living in New York City who has become a second mom to her younger sister, Libby. Since the death of their mom, Nora has sacrificed to help her sister even though Libby is now the married mother of two with a third child on the way.

Nora agrees to take a month long trip to Sunshine Falls, North Caroline with Libby. Nora is shocked to see Charlie Lastra in Sunshine Falls. Charlie is a book editor who also works in New York City. Nora and Charlie aren’t exactly friends.

Nora and Charlie start running into each other in the small town and end up working together editing a book.

I loved the flirting banter between Nora and Charlie as sparks start to fly. As much as this is a story about the romance between Nora and Charlie, it is also the story of sisterly love and family.

This is a cute easy to read book that had me laughing, smiling, and getting teary eyed near the end.

“For what it’s worth, I doubt I will ever like anyone in the world as much as I like you.”
“I can read you like a book.”