peachypitstop's reviews
131 reviews

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

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 The first part of this book, was perfect and lovely. The rest was pretty boring portrait of two characters with terrible character flaws constantly pissed at the world. It definitely has some great lines in it, but it was barely "fine" at the end of it all. 
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston

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If you've ever seen the movie Just Like Heaven and love it, like me, go read this book because this is just a little bit better than that. 

I'm screaming, crying, and throwing up all at once. I loved this book. 
The Fine Print Extended Epilogue by Lauren Asher

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Why do all misunderstood billionaires have daddy issues and a dead mom? 

Okay but seriously I liked this more than I thought I would. I love grumpyxsunshine. Basically, Rowan is like the grandson of Walt Disney, but the version that doesn't get Lauren sued, aka Dreamland. And his grandpa passes and tells him to improve the park, there will be a vote to see if he gets to keep his shares. 

He meets Zahra, and she annoys him into submission. Turns out she is also brilliant and knows what the park needs and yeah. They fall in love, he fucks up a bunch, shes like Um no, homie. 

But it was cute. I don't think we needed that many sex scenes though I don't know. If you aren't a Disney Adult, this book is not for you. 
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

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Very mixed feelings on this book. I just don’t think Colleen Hoover is for me. The first 80 percent of the book I hated the main characters and their shit decisions. 

I just the ending turned out…fine? Ugh. 
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

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I didn't really expect to enjoy this much, it being an older YA vampire thing...but I liked the mechanics. The only thing I don't like is how authors use "then I blacked out" to just jump to another part of the story. 

Ill probably read the others like an idiot 
Dare to Stay by Jen McLaughlin

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 I liked this one way more than the first one, the writing was better, the sex scenes were better. The TENSION and the main characters I just liked more. The redemption that Chris needed, and I'm glad he didn't get the same ending as Lucas. 

"Anything my princess wants, she gets." Swoon. Sue me. 
Dare to Run by Jen McLaughlin

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 Well...the sex scenes were written like a man wrote them, so needless to say most of this writing wasn't that great. 

Bad boy, he's in a gang, hit out for him, blah blah blah, fake dating turns real dating. A mild plot twist I saw coming, and some weirdly timed sex scenes sprinkled with a pushy dominant man who only cares what he needs. Classic. 

Nice to turn your brain off sometimes though.