persephones_daughter's reviews
525 reviews

Taproot by Keezy Young

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 THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE, it made my heart melt like a popsicle on a hot summer day.

If you're looking for a cute queer comic book that will fill the void that finishing the Heartstopper series created, look no further you'll love this one !

The illustrations were oh so beautiful and you all know how much i love the color green (how surprising, a queer person in love with the color green omg !! 🙄) so it was a blessing to my eyes.

The plot was really sweet and fun but it felt a little too disjointed at times and a bit rushed when it came to the main "plot twist" (if you can call it that) and i feel like it could have been a bit longer !

I really enjoyed it nonetheless <3

Thanks to NetGalley and Oni Press for this ARC ! 
Romance by Anne Goscinny

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 â€Je me suis construite au son de cet amour fou. Un amour fou. Un amour qui a perdu la raison”

Pour avoir perdu la raison, ça oui ma petite Jeanne a bien perdu la raison đŸ€Ą

J’ai toujours aimĂ© lire Ă  propos de femmes ayant des passions ou obsessions frĂŽlant la folie (unhinged women have my entire heart ) mais c’est passer Ă  un autre niveau que d’avoir une obsession telle qu’elle induit une amnĂ©sie et qui altĂšre votre vie de cette façon 💀

La trame du livre est la suivante : Jeanne, femme sĂ©parĂ©e de son Ă©poux mais dĂ©cidant de vivre sur le mĂȘme palier que celui-ci, Ă©lĂšve donc en coparentalitĂ© son fils Simon. Il semblerait qu’elle n’ait jamais pu se remettre de sa sĂ©paration amoureuse (“semblerait” est un euphĂ©misme) et apprenant les fiançailles de son ex-conjoint, elle dĂ©cide de dĂ©mĂ©nager pour reprendre possession de sa vie.

Lorsqu’elle dĂ©couvre l’appartement de ses rĂȘves, il se trouve qu’une jeune fille nommĂ©e Romance (very questionable name but i’ll let it pass) soit la seule en mesure de lui faire visiter la propriĂ©tĂ©, son pĂšre Ă©tant absent. Mais Jeanne remarque quelques Ă©lĂ©ments assez perturbants chez cette jeune fille mais aussi dans le quartier de son enfance oĂč son nouvel appartement est situĂ©. La limite entre le passĂ© et le prĂ©sent semble se flouter et tout ce que Jeanne s’efforçait d’oublier tente tant bien que mal de remonter Ă  la surface ...

La cadence du livre Ă©tait absolument parfaite, sa longueur trĂšs adaptĂ© et la prose trĂšs belle sans ĂȘtre trop fleurie.

Je trouve cependant que la fin Ă©tait un peu brusquĂ©e et qu’un peu plus de suspense n’aurait pas Ă©tĂ© de trop. Certains passages manquaient parfois de clartĂ© et il Ă©tait plutĂŽt facile de s’emmĂȘler les pinceaux. Les personnages Ă©taient Ă©galement un peu trop unidimensionnel Ă  mon goĂ»t ...
La conclusion était plutÎt satisfaisante mais manquait encore une fois de détails :(

Merci Ă  Netgalley et les Ă©ditions Grasset pour cet ARC ! 
Being Lolita: A Memoir by Alisson Wood

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"That moment in my body when the teacher put his hand on my knee to comfort me was the understanding of all of that - that in order to be attractive, irresistible, to be worthy of notice, was to be both beautiful and in open need, to be damaged"
absolutely devastating, i feel sick to my stomach 
Tutoring the Delinquent by Jessa Kane

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 this was pure trash but i ate it up ... until he started calling himself daddy and tried to drown himself because she said she wouldn’t marry him 😐 
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

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 this book felt like an eulogy of selfless women who are willing to give up everything for mediocre men and honestly, i've had enough of that, thank you.

some parts were truly heartbreaking and that's why i'm not giving this book 1 star, but the writing felt very juvenile and this constant theme of women sacrificing themselves for men is starting to make me angry.
1. if a man feels emasculated by your success, LEAVE HIM.
2. your husband is treating you like you're almost inexistent (i'm talking before he had Alzheimer, way before that) you don't just say things like 'oh he's just like that' no, absolutely not.
3. you do not have to sacrifice your life to give birth (i feel like the reason why she desperately wanted a child weren't clear but my point still stands, you do not need to sacrifice yourself, your life is more important than that of an embryo or even a foetus)
It Won't Always Be Like This by Malaka Gharib

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 being a child of immigrants from two totally different countries with also very different cultures and traditions leading you to feel like you don’t fit anywhere, that seems like something pretty familiar to me đŸ€Ą

review to come <3 (i will be posting it in september, the week this gets published as requested by the publisher)

spoiler alert : i enjoyed it and if you liked Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi i’m sure you’ll LOVE this one. 
Citrus, Vol. 2 by Saburouta

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 well at least they won’t have to go through the awkward parents-meeting-thing since they have the same ones đŸ€Ą 
Citrus, Vol. 3 by Saburouta

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 that's my last straw. 
Pound of Flesh by Jessa Kane

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 come on kids it’s not safe here đŸ‘©â€đŸ‘§â€đŸ‘Š 
Want Me by Neve Wilder

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 i can die in peace now. i love my bisexual babies :')
(eric, just so you know, you can do whatever you want to me, i'll gladly accept it 😏)

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i heard there's mouth-covering and i'm a whore so ...