pun1sher's reviews
163 reviews

The Un Divine Comedy by Zygmunt Krasi镁nski, Zygmunt Krasi艅ski

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Horrid by Katrina Leno

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I think this had potential to be good, but something went wrong along the way. The horror part doesn't actually kick in until the last few percent. Until then, it just feels like a weird thriller/contemporary mix - Jane goes to her job then she thinks she hears something, then she goes to school again. The big reveal was easily predictable to me, and thus most of the book dragged because while Jane was still orbiting around secret of the house, I already knew what happened and why. The best part of the book is arguably the cover; overall I'm disappointed聽
Najg艂臋bsze Po艂udnie. Opowie艣ci z Natchez, Missisipi by Richard Grant

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challenging informative
Very interesting from an outsider (european) perspective, a lot of info about 19th/20th century Mississippi and Deep South that I'd probably never learn otherwise, especially regarding the history of Black people in the south.
There are many stories of racially motivated violence in here that are squeezed in amongst stories of bizarre Natchez traditions; I could see it inspiring distaste. All in all, I can't say I didn't learn from it.

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Kwiaty w pude艂ku. Japonia oczami kobiet by Karolina Bednarz

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To chyba pierwszy reporta偶 po kt贸rym mia艂am poczucie 偶e opuszczam osob臋 autorska jako przyjaci贸艂ka.
Kwiaty w pude艂ku s膮 fascynuj膮cym odczarowaniem mit贸w o Japonii kt贸re pokutuj膮 u nas jak i na 艣wiecie; to nie jest romantyczny kraj kwitn膮cej wi艣ni, obrzydydliwie bogata stolica nowych technologii w kt贸rej przepracowani Japo艅czycy nie radz膮 sobie ze zwi膮zkami.
To jest Japonia ubo偶ej膮ca, kt贸ra trzyma trupy w szafie: tysi膮ce bezdomnych, nieznane liczby analfabet贸w. To spo艂ecze艅stwo przerobione na wz贸r zachodu i garstki bogaczy.
Ponad to ksi膮偶ka jest zwyczajnie po prostu mega ciekawa.
Niekt贸re g艂osy kt贸re ch臋tnie bym us艂ysza艂a w tej ksi膮偶ce a kt贸rych nie by艂o: sexworkerki i hostessy, imigrantki i kobiety ze wsi聽
Puchar bog贸w by Rick Riordan

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felt good to have Percy back <3
Coroner's Journal: Stalking Death in Louisiana by Louis Cataldie

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I have to admit I'm slightly disappointed. Most of the book consists of general thoughts of the author on murder and descriptions of crime scenes, whereas there is little to no writing about the actual autopsies which are what interests me most.
Other than that I was frustrated by the authors approach to women as subjects of violence - he called murdered sex workers "women who lived risky lives" and condemned women who didn't live on high alwrt during a wave of brutal femicides. The book is quite old but I think it serves somewhat well how women are sometimes blamed for falling victims to violence and how men might not even realize most women are always on high alert to potential violence.
Other than that it's just a topically heavy book with heavy themes of grief and anger. It's clear that the author cares very much about all of the cases he works on - I just wanted something different.