pzdrnk's reviews
18 reviews

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

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Lonesome Dove is a book that surprised me from the very start. Initially, I struggled with its seemingly endless discussions about horses and beans, but somewhere along the way, I found myself completely absorbed in the story.

The characters in this novel feel more real and alive than in almost any other book I've read. I began by feeling irritated with certain characters, only to find myself loving them as the story progressed. Their complexity and depth allowed me to understand their motivations in a way I rarely do with people in real life. By the end, I found myself empathizing with even those whose actions I might not agree with—feeling as though I truly knew each of them.

My one criticism is how the novel reinforces certain Western stereotypes, particularly in its portrayal of Native American characters. Many are depicted as brutal savages, and while there's a brief acknowledgment of the land being taken from its original inhabitants, the issues of colonization and settlement are largely ignored. It's something to be mindful of while reading, but it doesn't detract from the fact that Lonesome Dove is an incredibly engaging and memorable book.
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

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Norwegian Wood is one of the most honest and beautifully written books I’ve ever come across. Its simplicity is poetic, yet it speaks volumes about life, love, and the quiet struggles that define our existence. If you’re drawn to existential themes, this book will resonate deeply.

It’s the kind of story that sneaks up on you. By the time you set it down, you realize just how much it’s moved you. When Watanabe read Midori’s letter, I felt this hollow ache, like she was writing to me personally. The entire novel has that effect—you get wrapped up in these characters without even noticing, and before long, you’re emotionally tied to their journeys.

It’s a book that offers a deep sense of catharsis, and for me, it was nothing short of incredible. Quite possibly my favorite book I’ve read so far.
Factotum by Charles Bukowski

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This is pretty typical Bukowski. As with most of what he wrote, it’s supposed to be loosely based on his real-life experiences. If you can overlook his tendency to overcompensate by portraying himself as hard and unfeeling, along with his exaggerating—if not outright lying—about the frequency of his sexual encounters and the quality of the women involved, then it’s a good, quick read for a laugh. The best parts are his humorous accounts of working various disposable menial jobs. Bukowski is genuinely funny, a trait often overlooked by readers who get too caught up in his macho bravado.
Wild Love by Elsie Silver

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I had a good time reading Wild Love. I’ve realised that low-stakes books don’t always hold my attention, but this one was enjoyable whenever I picked it up for a quick, easy read. It’s not the kind of story that’ll keep you up all night, but it’s fun and light enough to make you smile. Sure, it took me a while to actually finish, but when I did, I wasn’t disappointed. It won’t change your life, but if you’re looking to escape into a sweet, lakeside romance with a billionaire, this one’s perfect for that.
White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky

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White Nights is a short story that beautifully captures the depths of unrequited love, tinged with romance and melancholy. Dostoyevsky masterfully depicts loneliness and suffering, highlighting the duality between the sadness of living alone and the strange beauty that can emerge from it—the freedom to escape into one's dreams and idealize the past. 

The story unfolds as the lonely narrator encounters a young girl in distress one fateful night. Their shared feelings of alienation, their bond, and their introspective musings form the heart of the tale. But when reality inevitably intrudes, our protagonist faces the truth with quiet resignation. 

What I loved most about this story is how Dostoyevsky so vividly portrays the complex spectrum of human emotions. Definitely one of my favourites.
Amerika by Franz Kafka

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My toxic trait is thinking that I could survive in Kafka's America.
Normal People by Sally Rooney

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Hope they discover in the future that there is such a thing as couples therapy. Already praying for their shrink.