rachellynnreadss's reviews
630 reviews

Bully by Penelope Douglas

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This one I really did enjoy - it just took me a little bit to really get into this relationship. The "bullying" that takes place is a little juvenile. I almost wish it was a little less clingy & more realistic. There are just some parts that I felt awkward reading because they did not give me the vibes they should have. This is not super dark romance so if you don’t like dark themes then this is a lighter book you’d enjoy. After you get through those first 2 chapters though I started to love it. I like the deep emotion & history that comes from their relationship. The details for spice are also really good - like really good! The ending was amazing & there is major information given that impacts the overall story which I enjoyed!
Beneath the Stands by Emily McIntire

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I LOVE THIS BOOK. Without giving too much away - you need this book in your life. I love that it is raw & packed full of passion. There is heat, angst, forbidden love & lots of life lessons. Multiple times I wanted to throw this book because of how great the writing was with making me feel all the emotion. This relationship is not a perfect no issues romance. We get heartbreak & oh my goodness the spice is unreal. If you love spice, heavily passionate romance & a lot of angst then this book is for you. I cannot recommend this book or this author enough!
Boys of Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy

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OKAY. This entires series is a wild, amazing, exciting & passionate ride. There is a lot of heartbreak and situations that make you just questions the entire lot of characters. I was never able to really put this book down because I fell so in love with the characters that I NEEDED to know what happened. The first 3 books in this series are focused on the 3 Brayshaw brothers and the romantic relationship between Maddoc Brayshaw and Raven Carver. There is so much unpacked in this epic story that will have you ready to jump in to the next one. The writer does such an amazing job of creating character development and setting up the backstory needed to fully engulf yourself in this world.

HIGHLY recommend this.
Trouble at Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy

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THIS SERIES. It just keeps getting better and more intense. I was so excited to see what was next in this amazing world of Raven and Maddoc. So much is discovered through this book that I honestly was not expecting. This is where the story really starts to make you guess what is to come for these characters and if Maddoc and Raven love each other enough to make it through everything that is thrown at them. It was a well written second book in this series and I really had some jaw dropping plot twists I was not expecting. I felt that this book was such a great read and did nothing but add to my love of this book and its amazing characters.
Reign of Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy

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WOW. If I tell you this book had me mad, angry, excited, worried & happy all in one that would even be an understatement. This book brings a massive punch to Maddoc & Raven's story. There were a lot of moments in this book where I just could not believe what was actually happening. I even wanted to turn my back on characters because their actions were so outrageous! It was the perfect ending to the wild ride that is this amazing series.
Break Me by Meagan Brandy

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THIS BOOK. I did not think that this would be my favorite but man oh man Royce is a beast. This was the book I really needed with this series. We see in the previous couples the broken, dark, untrusting female leads that cause nothing but problems for their relationships. There is always heart from both sides and so much anger that they don't even acknowledge when they're hurting and they easily run. Brielle gives Royce a run for his money and for sure not what he was expecting. Their story is full of love, passion, brokenness, angst & an ending that had been ugly crying. I LOVED their story and adored how they challenged each other. Even when Royce tried to push Brielle away she knew his heart & pushed right back. This is an amazing story filled with the perfect ending for the Brayshaw family.
Be My Brayshaw by Meagan Brandy

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This book had me hating Captain and loving him at the same time. Same with Victoria. There was too much secret keeping and coming out later that would make each of them sad, mad and then grateful. So many regretful mistakes in their story and a lot of heartbreak. I think that this book really opened my eyes to Captain & his daughter. There is so many emotions in this book that had me crying, exciting, and mad. It is a wild emotional roller coaster but one that I feel was really needed for these characters. It brought each of them closer, gave them understanding for what had been done in their lives & allowed them to have hope in their future.
Beneath the Stars by Ellie McLove, Emily McIntire

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WOW OH WOW. I can’t get enough of this amazing author. This is the first book in a character series Sugarlake. If you like angst, heat, passion, heartbreak & epic love you need this in your life. This is a childhood friends to lovers with so much pain & struggle. They’re not perfect but man the relationship at the end of this makes all the feels worth it. The spice is out of this world!! If you love spicy books this is right up your ally. It’s got great writing, a great plot & lots of sexual tension.
Promise Me by Ashlee Rose

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This book was something I can say I didn’t expect. There was a lot of different tropes if you will through out the story but I rather enjoyed it. Connor & Darcey start with a bully ish type romance if you will. Connor is very protective & almost possessive of Darcey but also gives her a lot of crap publicly. We see them through the years grow up with each other and the something happens when Darcey turns 18 that actually sets their relationship in motion. From there we get a very hardcore relationship with lots of angst, heartbreak, fear & issues that come up. Connor & her brother go into the army so she has to learn how to cope without them. Major emotional roller coasters occur during their 4 years gone & it’s a lot to take in. However the spice was great, the writing was amazing & I truly did enjoy their unconventional love story & ending!