reading_under_covers's reviews
992 reviews

The Birthday Reunion, by Claire Seeber

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When the fancy invites to a lavish villa party arrive on Simone, Vicky, and Hannah’s doorsteps, they’re shocked to find their ex-friend Jodie’s name emblazoned on them. With doubts, they decide to make the trip and maybe get some much-needed closure from when Jodie betrayed them years ago. However, Jodie is shocked to see them when they arrive, and bizarre things start happening the moment they all reunite.

THE BIRTHDAY REUNION by Claire Seeber packs a punch with short chapters, alternating timelines and POVs, and a lavish villa in Ibiza.

I really enjoyed the slow-burn pacing and the lead-up to all of the wtf moments, and liked seeing the pieces fall together as everyone’s past and present stories are revealed.

It was really easy to read “just one more chapter” since they were so short and normally ended on a cliffhanger, and that had me devouring this one relatively quickly.

However, the last 25% really took a nosedive with the amount of characters and motives, and the way the mystery was dragged out from chapter to chapter. It boggled me and I didn’t feel the payoff was really worth it by the end.

***tw: rape***

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: April 18, 2023

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Not So Perfect Strangers, by L.S. Stratton

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
Something about the writing style and the way the characters were  written and how they acted and behaved was a turnoff for me.
The Familiar Dark, by Amy Engel

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A quick-paced crime fiction novel!

This one had me hooked from the first two pages and I found Eve's search for answers regarding her daughter's murder keeping me on my toes. A story full of twists and heartbreak.

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The Headmaster's List, by Melissa de la Cruz

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
The writing in this one is rough…

And while I’m used to having to suspend my disbelief when it comes to some thrillers, this one was full of so many unbelievable scenarios in the first 30 pages that I found myself cringing and ultimately closing the book for good.
The Kind Worth Saving, by Peter Swanson

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I actually really enjoyed this one!!

It gets a big outlandish, but I was definitely on board for the ride.

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She Is a Haunting, by Trang Thanh Tran

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I can definitely see the similarities between this book and MEXICAN GOTHIC, but with the eco and body horror taken up a notch (not sure those are my favorite details to consume lol 😅)

There were a lot of intriguing elements, but I found the build-up to be slow and meandering at times, with some things not fully clicking into place for me.

The main character, Jade, and her identity and her relationship with her mom were some of my favorite parts of this book!

Will definitely give this author another go!

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The Honeys, by Ryan La Sala

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One of those atmospheric, nature-infused horror books that had a really nice message behind it all. 

A little bit bummed that it took so long for shit to really hit the fan in this one, and I wish there were more hints at what was coming, but all in all, really enjoyed this one!
Several People Are Typing, by Calvin Kasulke

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This book had such a unique premise and format and gave me lowkey Grady Hendrix vibes 👀 
Before We Were Innocent, by Ella Berman

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10 years ago, the summer before leaving for college, Bess, Joni, and Evangeline vacationed in Greece, but not all of them made it back alive. Now, Bess and Joni find themselves in the throes of a similar crime and Bess looks to the past for answers.

BEFORE WE WERE INNOCENT by Ella Berman exemplifies toxic friendships at their finest. This one was mysterious, glamorous, and full of betrayal.

The characters all felt unique from one another (despite all bearing some semblance of wealth) and the locations had me absolutely yearning for a vacation! With maybe less death, drugs, and alcohol… 

This book was a true work of literary fiction that I haven’t yearned for as a reader in quite some time!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: April 4, 2023
City Under One Roof, by Iris Yamashita

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I really really wish the setting of this one was more of a focal point. I only occasionally got the feeling and sense that the characters were trapped or isolated in this apartment building.

The whole whodunnit also goes a bit off the rails in a way that didn’t feel too creative to me.

All that said, I did have a hard time putting this one down, and there were plenty of intriguing aspects! Just missed the mark on a few points for me.