readintowonderland's reviews
377 reviews

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan

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It was fine, but not amazing. I did find the premise quite interesting though. As a big-time reader, the references to other books were quite fun. 
How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing by KC Davis

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This one was super helpful which I quite enjoyed! It was kindly phrased with a variety of excellent advice for different people
Trouble in Love : A sweet and spicy tale of redemption. by Bindi Kennedy

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I absolutely adored the characters in this one! They added so much entertainment value and brought me many laughs. I loved all of the queer representation and inclusions of all kinds of relationships. I hope we get to see more straight-presenting relationships showing their true queer colors. That said, I really despise the people who are essentially slut shaming Luca in their reviews. He doesn't lust after everyone, I don't know what book you read, it isn't this one. 

I felt like it was well-balanced with happy moments, hockey, tension, character growth, and overall shenanigans. I am always down for a book with shenanigans. It was a wonderful blend of light-heartedness with the emotional depth to make the characters matter. They are flawed and hurt by their past, which isn't swept under the rug as if everything is sunshine and rainbows. 

This book most definitely has spice because half the point is learning about different kinds of relationships and encounters. If you don't like spice, this isn't the book for you. 

Overall, this was an entertaining read with depth and complicated relationships. If you like a sprinkle of sports in your angsty romance, this is the book for you. 

I received this book as an arc from Bookish Bubbly PR. My review is honest and voluntary.
The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco by Michelle Chouinard

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This one was definitely a more lighthearted style than a thriller. It never gets too heavy, but you still feel that something sinister is brewing the entire time.  I liked the unique premise with the tour guide motif. I almost wish it was even more employed like other people guiding her to the truth. 

I wouldn't necessarily say there is a major plot twist but the plot as a whole is very twisty. As more is revealed, the entire direction of the story shifts multiple times. As a result, it was always a bit hard to tell if any given character was important to remember in the story or not. In a way that helped keep me on my toes having no idea who the real killer is. 

I was on the edge of the seat the whole time excited to listen to more of it unfold. The characters were interesting and had a nice mix of personalities and dynamics. The contrast was definitely where this book shined the most. Each character's status heavily shaped their actions and motives. 

The only thing I didn't love as much was that the people who did it didn't really have any vibes of ill intent earlier in the book. I didn't get the sense of unease from them that I wanted from a good mystery.

Thank you, NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the alc! My review is honest and voluntary. 
The Club by Ellery Lloyd

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It was a solid thriller but a bit hard to follow at times

A proper review is coming when I process my thoughts
Silver Fox Billionaire Boss by Evie Sterling, Evie Sterling

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I am so thankful her books have improved since this one

A proper review is coming when I process my thoughts
Rookie Mistake by Maren Moore

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Unsurprisingly, I absolutely adored this one! Maren Moore excels at creating endearing characters with interesting dynamics. I was genuinely blasting through this one. I blinked and I was done reading. 

I loved both Davis and Zara. They both have strong personalities that work incredibly well together. There were so many sparks I am shocked the pages didn't set on fire. If you have read this one, I assume you are also in love with Davis and Zara. Their flirting was so fun to read and made them particularly enchanting. Not only do they get along physically, but they also have the banter and bonding moments that provide a much-needed foundation. 

Also, I want to give a special shoutout to the Wonderland Tattoo shop in the book. I obviously adored the theming and want to visit myself. I really love it when authors create settings with character of their own. Magnolia's is another example of this. Rich characters in even richer settings make the story addicting. 

This book has an incredible musical motif throughout. Each chapter gets a song and I HIGHLY recommend listening to the songs (quietly if you don't typically listen to music while reading) to completely enhance the reading experience. It added to the ambiance and made it feel like you were really there along with the characters. Also, the song selection in general was incredible and really matched the characters and events in the story. 

This book has a lot of spice so if that isn't your thing I wouldn't recommend it. (Unless you are just that much of a Maren Moore fan like I am and will read whatever she writes).  

I received this book as an arc from Valentine PR. My review is honest and voluntary
Field Goal by Lisa Suzanne

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Wow, what a way to end the series! I gotta say that both of the MCs have grown a lot as people. Travis finally got his act together and started to embody "if he wanted to he would". I wish there had been more of Harper in it as she is definitely my favorite character and her cuteness would've helped break up the heavier nature of this one. It was a very full circle moment and gave everyone the happy ending they deserved.

I still despise the male narrator but at least I was used to it at this point. I know I will be avoiding his work in the future. I am not a football fan so I am happy that the series mostly did not focus on the sports aspect. 

As with the rest of this series, there is open door spice that can be skipped without missing any plot.

Overall this was a solid series. If you like football romances I recommend it. The characters are flawed and have real consequences for their decisions. 

I received this book as an alc from Valentine PR. My review is honest and voluntary.
Puck Me All Night Long by Wynter Ryan

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That is what I've come to expect from this series for sure. I like that they are getting a bit more plot before the spice comes in. The short length and fast-paced nature make it perfect as a palette cleanser between heavier reads. It was fun to guess who might be in the next book based on who is introduced in this one. The flowing nature of all of the relationships helps give the series life. 

It was extra fun to see all of the previous FMCs getting together. It felt like a family reunion of sorts. It really helped sell the idea of the team as a whole feeling and acting like a family. Hadley is definitely the boldest of the FMCs in the series so far, which was quite fun to see.

The one part I didn't love as much was how fake dating was employed. It is advertised as a fake dating book and the characters are technically fake dating but it doesn't functionally act that way. The best part of fake dating is the tension it creates which should serve as a catalyst for defining and growing the relationship. In this case, that didn't really happen. They were technically fake dating but without any boundaries or hesitation behind it, it was functionally just normal dating. That is all fine and dandy but don't call it a fake dating book when they are only fake dating in label. 

It is definitely a spicy book (as is all of this series) but it genuinely adds to the plot and isn't the entirety of the book. Also do be warned this is a why-choose-style series and features polyamory.

I received this book as part of Wynter Ryan's street team. My review is honest and voluntary. 
The Noh Family by Grace K. Shim

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I loved this but I needed more from the ending. It wasn't satisfying at all and there is no evidence this will become a series.