I laughed a lot in this book and did not expect to. I'm immediately going to reread this because I did NOT see that coming and I feel like I should have.
I thought this was a great book with some practical tips. As an anxious mother of an anxious child, I found parts very relatable, and some of Destiny’s words echoed things my daughter has said almost exactly. I believe we can take the tips from this book and adapt them to our own needs. While I’m not sure how much my kids would enjoy reading it, I know they would definitely benefit from it.
I loved this book far more than I thought I would. I identified with Bernadette far more than I like to admit so I did end up loving her. Probably would have been 5 stars, but the ending felt forced and unrealistic. Maybe since I did identify with Bernadette, I couldn't help but think the solution was not that "simple".
This felt like a book about Dexter, but with a married couple. I did enjoy reading it. Some parts I thought to myself "and of course they did" while other parts genuinely surprised me. It was a fun read, but not something I'll look back on.