sabainie's reviews
310 reviews

The End Crowns All by Bea Fitzgerald

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This started of very promising, I loved Cassandra’s sass and her stubbornness. I also always love a dual pov. This was a very very slow burn, and I think that’s my one issue with this book, it was maybe 100 pages too long. The first part: great!! The last part: loved it!! The middle? It was a bit too slow for me for a story about a massive war. However, I still kept reading and Fitzgerald kept me intrigued enough with her easy writing style. 
The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams

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A book that made me cry, nay, sob??? I need some time to recover from this book
Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson

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Still love it after reread, the audiobook truly adds to the experience and i must say i forgot everything apparently 😂
The Surrogate Mother by Freida McFadden

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Epilogue was unnecessary… I also wasn’t too surprised by the twists as with het other books. Still a decent thriller. 
The Centre by Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi

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Wow. I need a few days to process all of this…

*2 hrs later* 

Okay no after second thought this needs to be 5 stars. The concept. The writing style. It drew me in and didn’t let go not even after the last page. It’s strange and intriguing and weird and all in a good way and this is only their debut??? Can’t wait for what else they’re gonna publish!
Boekwinkels & botbreuken by Travis Baldree

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Ik denk dat ik nog wel meer heb genoten van deze prequel dan van Legendes & Lattes. Ik heb ze vlak na elkaar gelezen waardoor het nog leuker was om in dit boek jonge Viv te leren kennen. Er zit ook iets meer actie en humor in en ik houd van de onverwachte vriendschappen die ze sluit in dit boek. Ten opzichte van het andere boek krijg je hier ook iets meer inzichten in zowel Viv’s personage, maar ook de andere personages die voorkomen in het verhaal. Dit gaf wat meer diepgang en het was prettiger om te lezen.

Tip: lees de boeken in publicatie volgorde!
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

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Still 5 stars. LOVED the narration. 
Legendes & Lattes by Travis Baldree

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Gimme all the cozy fantasy books. Why have I not been reading this genre before?
De nomade by Anya Niewierra

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Ik denk dat dit een heel goede verfilming zou zijn, en dat zeg ik niet vaak over een boek. Niewiera wist heel goed de sfeer van de gebieden te schetsen waardoor ik het als een soort film kon laten afspelen in mijn hoofd. Samen met de documentaire stukjes tussendoor en de rijke geschiedenis die wordt beschreven denk ik zeker dat het goed is voor een verfilming. 

Er werden soms iets te veel namen en jaartallen door elkaar heen gegooid waardoor ik soms de draad kwijt was, maar aan het eind werden alle losse eindjes mooi samengeknoopt. Ik houd ervan dat dit soort thrillers ook een stuk geschiedenis meenemen waar ik geen weet van heb maar wel mega interessant vindt. 

Al met al genoten van deze literaire thriller, ik krijg helemaal zin om haar backlog te lezen!
Too Busy for Love: The BRAND NEW hilarious, forced proximity romantic comedy from TOP TEN BESTELLER Phoebe MacLeod for summer 2024 by Phoebe MacLeod

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First of all: I feel like this book is being mismarketed. It says it's a forced proximity romance, but there is barely either of those present in the story. The beginning was very promising but it went downhill from there. 

The author was trying to do too much. I felt like it was 3 books crammed into one. The lockdown int he hotel, the tv show, the opening of a new hotel. This is probably why the side characters got more character building than the love interest, who was barely mentioned and I felt like there was no spark except for maybe the first few chapters during the "forced proximity". The main female character truly was "too busy for love" with all those different plot lines.

Besides that, I felt like a lot of the story was telling, not showing. An example, someone asks "what makes you say that" and then it continues with a vague quick summary of everything we already know. I get that is why she has to do it, but it didn't make the story very readable. I also would've liked some more atmosphere descriptions. Why did she fell in love with that city/neighbourhood/hotel? Show, don't tell!

I feel like if the author had focused on just one of the three story lines in the book it could have been better, but for now I'd say I'm happy I finally finished since it almost put me in a reading slump. 

Thank you to NetGally and Boldwood Books for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.