saphirablue's reviews
908 reviews

Crucible by Mercedes Lackey

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As always - some I love, some I like, some are not for me.

I love the stories about the older Heralds/Healers and so on.

Also, the one of the Mother who lost her Herald daughter? Woha. 
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 4 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

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This book has both the moment I dreaded most to read about as well as my favourite part of the entire series in it. So, this has been quite the roller coaster ride.

The moment I dreaded the most? Jiang Yanlis death. I, just, *sobs*.

My favourite part? The Gold Core reveal. I'm just such a sucker for such scenes. The reveal of what Wei Wuxian sacrificed. What he went through. Why he did the things he did. Everything. <3

Also, reading about the Wen people? :(
If Cats Disappeared From The World by Genki Kawamura

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I wanted to read this because of it's premise - what if cats disappeared from the world. Unfortunately, that's only a small portion of this book. :/

Without having wrong expectations for this book it would have been a better read because it asks what's important in live and if some of the things we deem important/not important are really it. 
No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey

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As always - some I loved. Some I like. Some are not for me.

I really enjoy that there are some stories with new characters and adventures and some characters we've met in the other books and we again get a glimpse in their lives. :)
Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar by

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As always with story collections - some I adore, some I like, some are not for me. :)

What I really love about these story collections? We get to see different aspects of Valdemar (and the countries around it) through the eyes of not just Heralds but Healers, Bards, Guards and regular people. I love it. :)
Of Knights and Books and Falling In Love by Rita A. Rubin

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  • Loveable characters? Yes


I really like this. Especially because it focuses on what happens after the fighting is over and the people come home.

I love, love, love the characters and this world and really wouldn't mind reading more of them and it.

I also love that it focuses on a person that has been forced to work for the enemy and had already given up of ever getting out there alive and had to come to terms to being the enemy in the eyes of others.

However - I wish it would have focused a bit more on the healing and coming to terms that the person did horrible things but has been forced to do this. Don't get me wrong - it's there. It's talked about. It's dealt with it in certain aspects. But, for me, it's been a bit too little - especially since it is/should be the main theme of the book judging from the summary of the book.

But, still, I really enjoyed reading this one. :)
The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee

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  • Loveable characters? Yes


I love this.

I love to get to know Adrian and seeing this world and his older siblings through his eyes.

I love meeting Felicity and Monty again and seeing them 10 (?) years later.

I love their adventures and seeing more of this world.

I just love it.
Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar by Mercedes Lackey

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Love it.

As always - there are some stories that I love and some that I don't. Some are just perfect as they are and for some I just want <i>more</i> and/or come back to the characters after a time jump (which is why I really love the two stories that are told over several of these anthologies).

On to the next one! :)
The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee

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This was fun to read!

I love Felicity and when you add Johanna and Sim? Love, love, love, love!

I love how all three of them discover what they want and that they don't give up to get what they want - even if it's something different from what they wanted in the beginning.

Also, Dragons!!!!!!! <3
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 3 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

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Liked it. :)

So much happening that is setting everything up for the things to come. :( Also, my heart is aching for so many things. :( 

The rabbits! OMG. <3

My biggest dislike about this is still the disjointed writing and the time/POV/place changes without clear indication. It makes it really difficult to keep track of everything  sometimes (even though I've already watched the show). :/