slumpreader's reviews
149 reviews

The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 47%.
I can't u just can't read this any more, its been what 10 days? And Bree is fucking grating on my nerves, like girl just go and confess your fucking feelings and stop calling him your brother it's gross... And Nathan the do gooder just stop damnit it dude how fucking hard it is to see that your friend had feelings for you even after all your teammates are telling you too. 
I really had high hopes for this book, I tried i really tried to read this but a hunders and forty five pages of torture is enough for me. 
Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

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When I first started reading this I got frustrated. The book was kind of childish. But after some time I thought of giving it a second try and I liked it, I wasn't ready for the book to end after the Solicit event.
Loved Dootsie and Betty Lou's character. Perry was cute loved his as well. For the longest time I thought that Arnold was an old man. All in all the book was ok.