soily26's reviews
559 reviews

A Fate of Wrath & Flame by K.A. Tucker

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
So much info dumping in the first 2 chapters 😩 honestly didn't nearly make it past the prologue. 
Kingdom of Blood and Salt by Alexis Calder

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
I loved it at first but I got to 20% and nothing had happened. Even worse Ara just kept repeating the same stuff over and over. 
She hates the claiming and wishes she could do something about it I get it. 
Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig

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It will be a long time before I read something as good as this again. 
One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig

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So good! The writing, pacing and atmosphere was just so incredible. 
Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole

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I tried to skim through this in the hopes that I could get to book two and it would be better but I gave up at 60%

The book is basically just an entitled woman becoming radicalised. 

She is so self righteous that I just couldn't like her. I'm sure she's going to learn the error of her ways but I just done care anymore 🙈
Night of Masks and Knives by LJ Andrews

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
There were just too many characters for me to keep track of. 
Broken by Daylight by Elizabeth Helen

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These books just keep getting better and better! I can't wait for the next one. 

This one had so many twists and turns and I've loved watching Rosie and the princes grow together! 
Forged by Malice by Elizabeth Helen

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Loved it so much! Can't wait for the next one! 

There were so many twists and turns and my heart cracked into a million pieces so book 4 better put it back together! 
A Ruin of Roses by K.F. Breene

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Went into this knowing it was very spicy so I knew what to expect but the spice was just there. The characters had hardly any chemistry, the dialogue and plot was all over the place. It was so incoherent at times. 

One minute Finley was too young to remember before the curse the next she'd explain things that happened before the curse in perfect detail.