spinstah's reviews
1319 reviews

Never Too Old to Save the World: A Midlife Calling Anthology by Alana Abbott, Addie King

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These stories were a little more uneven than I expected. The standout is By the Works of Her Hands, about a social worker who goes into a portal world and starts bringing the outcasts back and helping them live better lives. It had a strong concept and good character development and was overall really well done. 
The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean

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Once this got going it was riveting, and I liked the twists. The characters were sympathetic as well,  even when they were making bad choices. A great thriller but definitely look into to the content warnings first. 
Spear by Nicola Griffith

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A lovely little retelling of a corner of King Arthur’s legend.  
None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

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Fun, fast, gripping. I liked the ambiguous characters and that everyone was at least a little unlikeable. 
Hum by Helen Phillips

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This novel looks at the impacts of AI, capitalism, and overconsumption in a near future world. I enjoyed it but I don’t think it’s for everyone. The narrator is spiraling enter being laid off and is making questionable decisions - but on the other hand, she lives in a world where those questionable decisions are in some ways encouraged and supported by society. 
Bear by Julia Phillips

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I did not expect that ending, but I don't think any other ending would have worked. There's a single POV character in this novel and I really liked how the character development was woven in, and slowly changed my opinion of the narrator. Really glad I read this, it was very immersive and moody and the tension that built was so subtle, it was really great.
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson

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I started to lose interest in this about 75% of the way through, but I kept with it just to see who the culprit was. I like the conceit of this series but for me I think it's more of a one-book kind of thing. 
The God of the Woods by Liz Moore

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I really enjoyed the setting and characters, especially once I settled in. There are quite a few threads, but nothing that felt out of place. I also really liked the ending, it was sad but also felt right for the overall tone. 
The Stardust Grail by Yume Kitasei

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I really enjoyed the camaraderie and seeing how the characters' relationships developed. Plus a fun space romp involving an archive, what's not to like? 
The Woman in Blue by Elly Griffiths

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Another enjoyable installment. Ruth isn’t as involved in this one, but at this point I’m interested in the whole crew.