stardustpelin's reviews
487 reviews

The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

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 I couldn’t convince myself to read that book if I did not start it as a buddy read with my lovely friend Sevgi🥰 It was love at first sight for me and I was, I am, and I will probably be on team Callum. He’s my favorite among the six. I also feel pretty neutral toward other characters… except Parisa though ughhh I dislike her for a reason I don’t fully understand yet. I am not sure if I’ll read the sequels but this one did not waste my time so I’m happy about it. 
The Viy by Nikolai Gogol

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 Surprised me when I had low expectations. It was fun. 
A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen

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 t was super fun at first but the second half made me think this book could have been shorter. And I’d like to see more diverse characters. 
Rosen Blood, Vol. 1 by Kachiru Ishizue

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 The style was pretty but I don’t like when all the male vampires fall in love with the clueless female human. 
Heartless Sky by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
dnf @ %10 but i really really want to give it another chance