Read this as part of the Gloss Book Club. I was so surprised by how much I loved this book. Patrick was amazing and so funny, and all the characters felt very real. The letter that Patrick wrote to Joe had me in tears, and the plot was way more provocative and deep than I expected. Super impressed!
Such an easy read. It wasn't necessarily bringing anything new to the table, but it was well paced and could definitely get you out of a reading slump. The articles felt unnecessary, and I almost wanted more details from the weekend in the past. It could've been longer with more details added as I was very connected and interested in Chani & Gabes story.
Thiis memoir was really well written. I could really hear Viola Davis's voice, and loved how she told her story. Her life had some truly heartbreaking moments, and all the work she put into becoming a successful actor is amazing. A really inspiring story.
This is a book I needed when I was younger. I would've loved this. At first I wasn't too sold on the plot, it felt too John Greeney. But then the author acknowledged the John Greeness of it and i felt like I could get behind it more. I enjoyed that finding Shara was anticlimactic, because it showed that this book wasn't a big mystery reveal. It was a story of the struggle of coming out. Chloe was a good protagonist and we were supposed to find her frustrating at times so it worked. A must read for the under 18s.
This was a pretty good read. I really enjoyed the Philippino culture that was a major part of the story and plot. I loved the food theme, and the plot kept me guessing although I didn't find the reveal super enticing. the dialogue read okay, but at times it didn't feel organic. I will keep reading the rest in the series, as I feel like the author will improve, and I'm interested to see where the story could go.
I really loved this. It was so well written, and talked about things we need to talk about. It also made me cry whilst reading it with pure rage and anger about the things that have happened to women, and the ways they've had to fight to be heard.
this was a great read, it discussed topics perfectly and gave a enough information to learn whiteout overwhelming. highly recommend this book to those who wish to know more about the conoxities of our lives.
I kept seeing thus series recommend everywhere, the books are super short and the series essentially is one big book. I loved the main protagonist, and her mission and her passion. It was a tough read at times, with lots of graphic SA and violence that I had to put it down. Some images burned into my mind for a long time. The writing was really well done, and the plot was thick. I would recommend this book, but trigger warnings must be checked and I don't know if i would be able to read it again.
This was such a quick read, and did not feel like a YA at all. I loved the main character and how confident she became to use her voice, and I love the plot and the issues that were being discussed. A perfect ya novel
I'm leaving this book unrated because I struggled to read through this book but this memoir tells and important story and Elizabeth's life's work is amazing. I found the UN stuff hard to read through but loved the snippets into her life.