sunfishcakes's reviews
167 reviews

Eiji and Shiro: From Zeroes to Heroes by Kaya Azuma

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I'm not sure why this isn't advertised as a short story collection? I was already disappointed that it wasn't solely a one shot story about mob (background) characters but then the actual story in question was just....kinda boring! And so were the other stories. I could've maybe vibed with the final two-parter twisted teacher/student story being intentionally dark and toxic, but then it doesn't quite commit. Unfortunate!

It's a shame the writing is what it is when the visual art is quite skilled. Just some clean and appealing stuff all around. But then that sort of pleasant, easy on the eyes style kind of works against itself by exposing how generic and flimsy the writing is.
Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld

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Sort of torn between being irritated at its cloying self-aware elements and being pleased by it feeling like actual (if still idealized and spedrun) relationship issues.