thatlizhunter's reviews
433 reviews

The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

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This has been my favorite so far in the Lord of the Rings. Sam and Frodo truly get to shine, especially Sam. And we get to see a lot of action from the rest of the Fellowship that was missing in the first book.
Alex & Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz

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What I loved:
Descriptions. The book is layered with details of colonial life and the revolution. It’s not overbearing, but the details add depth to the story. This romance took place a long time ago, in a culture very different from our own. But it feels familiar.

Alex and Eliza’s questions

Both Alex and Eliza have doubts about themselves. Alex isn’t sure he’s good enough for Eliza and her family. Eliza isn’t certain of Alex and her own feelings. Melissa De La Cruz expertly weaves in the social expectations alongside the characters’ own faults.

I felt heartsick for Alex. He’s an orphan and penniless compared to Eliza and her friends. He does have reasons to doubt himself. His thoughts and actions are realistic and add depth to his character development.

Alex’s friends and Eliza’s sisters

Laurens and Lafayette. I’m so thrilled to see these two in the story. They’re hilarious, flirtatious, and obviously, amazing friends. I love the teasing banter woven throughout their time together, alongside the more serious talk of war and death.

Angelica and Peggy add a fun flair for the story. All three sisters are on the verge of matrimony, but each have a different take on finding a husband. Unlike the musical, none of the sisters are overlooked. We get to know each of their suitors and understand why they’re attracted to each other.

The timeline

I suppose it made sense to introduce Eliza and Alex’s first meeting, only to skip to their actual short courtship two years later. But that time jump was unsettling. It left a lot of questions. What happened for two years? Why didn’t they meet? And we know Eliza turned down Major Andre, so can we have more details on that?

Family and Forced Marriages

Without spoiling too much, the idea of forced marriage didn’t mesh with the story. This felt like a betrayal of the Schuyler family’s characters, especially Angelica and Eliza’s aunt. I also felt as though the story carried several plot holes near the end.

Unexplored History

Perhaps, it’s just because I’m a history nerd. But I desperately wanted the author to follow the rabbit trails she hints at. Major Andre worked with Benedict Arnold, and courted Eliza. Hamilton is given a battlefield command, but there’s no follow up. And Laurens rushes to South Carolina, but we’re left hanging about his fate.

This was a sweet, fun read. I wanted more of Alex and Eliza together, more of the tender letters he wrote. Even another conversation.

Hamilton’s letters to Eliza are famous. The author only includes one letter, at the very beginning of the book. I was disappointed that Hamilton’s writing weren’t showcased more. Hamilton isn’t Hamilton without his writing, adding more of his correspondence with Eliza would have created another layer for the story.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. It was a sweet introduction to Alex and Eliza’s relationship