the_bookarazzii's reviews
298 reviews

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

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A Game of Thrones is a part of a series called 'A Song of Fire and Ice'. This series is based upon fantasies. The author G.R.Martin introduces the plot-lines of the noble houses of Westeros, the Wall, and the Targaryens. The novel has inspired several spin-off plots and several games.

The novel is based on justice, betrayal, power, morality, honour, family, class, maturation and vengeance.

A major part of plot takes place at Westeros, where the stories of major characters are told. The story of Daenerys takes place at different continents, Essos where she's ill-treated by her brother for gaining his kingdom back. All the characters in the book have their roles thus, making story more interesting.

So talking about my favourite character from this book is Eddard Stark. He was a very kind and generous man. He valued his family and friendship very much. In the storyline, Ned Stark is the Lord of Winterfell, a fortress in North of Westeros. He became the King's hand after the death of Jon Arryn and had to move to King's Landing. I could really feel everything that Ned was going through. He did good to everyone in his life. But you know everything is not in your hands, at some point of life when you try to something good for your dear ones, everything gets ruined. And you are left with no options. Same happended with Ned, when he got to know about Cercei Lannister and her brother Jaime Lannister’s relationship and he was betrayed to keep the secret to himself.
In the end, when Robert Baratheon was on his last breaths, he made Ned write a letter for the other lords of King’s Landing that Ned will be the new king after him. But Ned had to give the throne to the one who deserved that was Stannis Baratheon as he was the heir of the kingdom. When Robert died, Cercei declared his son Joffery as the king. Ned tried to serve justice, he was neglected from the council and was executed. Everyone from the council betrayed him even littlefinger. This made me cry that the one who tries to do something better gets eliminated.

To sum up I can say that the book was full of interesting plots and every page creates a suspense and one urges to keep on turning pages until its finished. People who love to read about fantasies must read this book and the series. You will definately enjoy reading it
The Sisters Grimm by Menna van Praag

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The Sisters Grimm is a fantasy fiction.

While reading this book, I could not really think what to write for review as I could never understand what the story is about until the last few pages.

The last few pages were somewhat interesting. The storyline is very fascinating just in last part of the book, where four sisters grimm gather and kill the dark evil who manipulates them into turning evil.

The other part of book is just boring. It is just repetition of the plot describing about the sisters, how they forgot about Everwhere and the time spent there.

I just enjoyed character Goldie as she was well developed and had strong plot points.I did not enjoy the other characters much.

While the fantastical elements were amazing but I did not enjoy reading this book as I thought I would. The book should have been shorten in its length as there was no need of creating repetitions.
Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh

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Partition! 1947!
The time when India and Pakistan parted. This lead to various new problems. Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims all suffered this partition.

The story of Train to Pakistan takes place in a village named Mano Majra situated in Punjab, where Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims co-existed in peace. This village was the symbol of peace and harmony. All communities lived happily and enjoyed each others company. But after partition, several dacoits took place, Hindus and Muslims were killed in train from both the sides (India and Pakistan).

The story is explained from the view of Jagga, a robber; Hukum Chand, the magistrate and Iqbal, political activist. The characters are very complicated. There is an educated social reformer with false accusations, bandits, corrupt policemen and a young Muslim woman in love with Sikh man.

The story being in a slow pace has many engaging events. The description of daily lives of people is very realistic, it feels like I was in the story and was experiencing everything. The arrival of goods train in village in the morning, prayers by muslims and sikhs were the waking signs of people in the village. They were depended on such signals for waking up in the morning. But after several incidents, the whole scenario of village changed with lives of people too.

The best part of story which I liked was when Hukum Chand decided not to harm the 16 years old Muslim girl whom he considered was a prostitute. As he thought of his daughter would also be of same age if she was alive , how will she feel. Another best thing was about Banta Singh (lambardar), Meet Singh and Iqbal Singh who thought of keeping the peace in village instead for harming the lives of innocent Muslims. Three of them were very noble people.

The ending brought tears to my eyes. But various conditions of our country are same as they were in 1947. The end message of the story was very extreme. It is an ndividual who can change the world, you just need to make the right decision even when no one stands with you. It's a wonderful book worth reading.
The Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi

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This book is mainly a mythological fiction and is based on the good and evil of the various aspects. The character Shiva is very contradictory. And the book is not based on the real Lord Shiva instead the character Shiva is fictional.

The Immortals of Meluha is the first book of the author Amish Tripathi and also the first book of Shiva trilogy. The story is set in the land Meluha and starts with the arrival of the Shiva. The Meluhans generally believe that Shiva is their fabled savior and they think that his is their Neelkanth as told to them by their ancestors.

First of all Shiva is tricked to join Meluha so that the Meluhans can find their Neelkanth. Shiva lived in Mount Kailash, had to face the useless attacks by the Pakratis and his people were not safe so he decided to move to Meluha. When Shiva reaches Meluha with his tribe, they are requested to be quarantined for seven days for the protection. On their arrival they are asked have a medicine so as to check if they are diseased or not. Instead the medicine given to them was Somras which was a potion for eternal living. After the intake of Somras, everyone suffered from high fever and Shiva too was affected but his wounds healed from Somras. The Meluhans believed that whosoever would be Neelkanth will have his throat turn into blue color after the intake of Somras. This change in color of throat happened with Shiva. When they found that Shiva is their Neelkanth, they were amused and asked to go to the capital city of Meluha (Devagiri). Shiva did as they said but he didn't believe that he was Neelkanth. He said that he is an ordinary person just like everyone else. On reaching Devagiri, he was told about the truth that they believed that Neelkanth would help they destroy the evils (Chandravanshis). Shiva was surprised to listen to such things but he told them that he will help them as much as possible. But after several wars when they defeated the Chandravanshis he was told that the Chandravanshis also believed the same that the Neelkanth will and help them destroy the evils. He started questioning himself that did he take a wrong choice in starting the war an killing thousand of people. But he learns it from a Pandit whom he meets in the temple of Ayodhya that to improve the prevailing conditions in India he had to take such actions. And in this way everything could be improved.

But after visiting Ayodhya, the birth place of Lord Ram, he learns the working of government of Chandravanshis was not appropriate. Their people starved for food and shelters. He found people begging in the city and felt enraged.

In the end he learns that no one is an evil instead the evils have different ways of living than the other. They too are good people.

Best part about this book that amazed me was the true love among Shiva and Sati, that how they both stood for each other during the wars. The humanity in Lord Shiva, how he thought good of others and did good to everyone. Shiva fought against the unnecessary law of the VIKRAMAS and abolished the law. One learns about the bond of friendship as portrayed through Shiva and Brahaspati. One learns how to lead people, what qualities a leader must possess and way of the communication a leader must have. This is not just a novel but a teaching.

There are some misrepresented facts about our history but the story-line is good. Some of the facts are very well represented and are very interesting. Overall it is a very good read. I would recommend to read this book in context to fiction.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

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Five People You Meet In Heaven is based on the life of a real person with whom Albom felt a deep connection. The author described the character of Eddie as a tribute to his uncle, Eddie Beitchman, who died at the age of 83 believing that he had not accomplished enough in his life. Beitchman had a similar life as the author described the book. Like his fictional counterpart, Beitchman also fought in World War II. Albom wanted to explore his belief that "there is some kind of sense of accountability to an afterlife.

So this story tells the life and death of a man named Eddie who died in some accident in the Ruby’s Pier and was sent to heaven. And then in the heaven he encounters five people who had a significant impact upon him while he was alive. And also tells about how we all have an insecurity about doing nothing in our life and wasting our life but we somehow always have a positive impact on someone’s life unknowingly.

He meets five people in the heaven named: The Blue Man, Captain, Ruby, His wife Marguerite and Tala.
The blue man was the one who saved Eddie’s life when he was crossing the road to get his ball and instead Joseph (The Blue Man) died of heart attack.
The captain also played a big role in his life. He was the commanding officer in the war as Eddie was in the army before becoming a maintenance man at Ruby’s Pier. The captain saved his life by shooting him on his leg when he was refusing to get back with everyone as he saw a girl crawling in the fort where they had set on fire. And the captain died in the land mine while checking whether the path was clear or not.
As the Ruby’s Pier was named after the third person whom he meets in the heaven. Ruby tells Eddie the real reason of his father’s death as he was trying to save Mickey’s life. She taught him the lesson of forgiveness.
In heaven he meets his wife as the fourth person. She teaches her that the true love never dies as she takes him to several weddings in the heaven.
The last person whom he meets is Tala who he was trying to protect during the fire in the fort when he was in the war. Tala tells him that after leaving army he did have a purpose in his life to save children at the amusement park where he worked as a maintenance man.

The best part of book that I enjoyed was when Eddie tried to save life of two different young girls ( one in the war and the other in the amusement park). This portrayed his nature and how he felt for others. He was a kind man though he had many problems in his life.

The book tells us that how one person is connected to other even if they have not met them as Eddie did not know Joseph, Ruby and Tala but still they had some part in his life. This book also tell us about the cycle of life and death, one dies and the other takes a birth. The author also reflects this in novel by telling us that death is not the end but some kind of beginning.

The book also teaches us many lessons such as forgiveness, true love, sacrifice and interconnection of life. This book is real happiness and full of grasping things that one must know about.

I suggest that you must read this book. You will get to know many new things and will definitely enjoy reading it.
Becoming by Michelle Obama

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Becoming is a memoir of former First Lady of United States. Michelle Obama describes her whole personal life and experiences. The talks about how he found her voice, her experience in White House, her role in parenthood, her role in the various health campaigns.

Many of you will not read this book because we think that this book is about the politics. Though the book has some political experiences in it but in reality this book is about how Michelle Obama lived her life. It is about growing up poor and black in southside of chicago, about getting married and struggling to maintain it and raising her daughters.

This book left me into tears after reading her personal struggles and achievements. She is seriously very brave and kind hearted woman. She ia a real INSPIRATION.

Definitely a must read! ❤
Espresso Thoughts : When Coffee and Poetry Come Together by Rakhi Kapoor

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☕️One of a kind is the kind you are—
There is no one else like you in the universe. Don’t hide in the crowd
Don’t try so hard to fit in
Allow your light to shine.
Your spark is unique,
Let it start fireworks and light up the night sky…
The world will then watch with awe and celebrate you.

☕️Espresso thoughts: When Coffee and Poetry comes together, is a collection of 8 short stories along with coffee as a partner. The stories are fictional as well as based on the real events. Each story is interwined with delightful poetic lines. Basically these stories represent various important values of our life like friendship, love, kindness, humanity and many more.

☕️The best part of each story is that it has Espresso Shots at the end which highlight the useful facts discussed in the story in context to life.

☕️The language in very simple and enjoyable. At no point I felt bored reading it. The title befits the storyline perfectly. The stories are very appealing. Each story has some lesson and true facts. I loved reading this book.

☕️I also liked the idea of the weird game SPLOSH!